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Elements of Systems Dynamics
Published in F. P. Tarasenko, Applied Systems Analysis, 2020
Naturally, different structural schemes of the system, that is, different functions V(x) = ={Vi(x)} correspond to different emergent (synergetic) effects. Convergence of dynamic processes to certain specific configurations is interpreted as a process of self-organization of the system, which gave reason to talk about synergetics as a theory of self-organization.
Heuristics associated with forecasting chaotic events: a rare cognitive ability
Published in Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2021
Stephen J. Guastello, William Futch, Lucas Mirabito, Dominique Green, Laura Marsicek, Brittany Witty
More than 60 chaotic systems are known mathematically (Sprott 2003), and they vary in the complexity of their structures and output patterns when they are observed over time. The notion of complexity deserves some parenthetical attention inasmuch as the term is used in two different contexts, one referring to the structure of a system, and the other to the system’s temporal dynamics. At least 45 different definitions of complexity have been offered, about a third of which are related to the computational features of the function of phenomenon, such as the number of interconnected equations, highest polynomial exponent, number of variables involved, or the length of a computer algorithm required to program them (Horgan 1997; Rosser and Rosser 2015). Interconnected or synergetic dynamics (cf. Haken 1984) are prominent in other definitions that focus on the number of interconnected subsystems and the influence of the dynamic behavioral output (chaotic, oscillatory, or other) of one subsystem on the dynamic output of the other.
Forming the Convective Flows and a Cluster of Particles under Spot Heating
Published in Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2021
S.Y. Misyura, R.I. Egorov, V.S. Morozov, A.S. Zaitsev
The research focuses on both the average parameters (heat flux, heat transfer coefficient, and evaporation rate) and the local and statistical characteristics (hydrodynamic instability, pattern formation, non-linear dynamics, and the occurrence of chaos). Benard and Rayleigh were among the first to investigate and explain the behavior of this nonlinear system, as well as its transition to self-organization and chaos. A review of research on the Rayleigh-Benard convection is presented in [2, 3]. Already the first studies have raised fundamental questions about the transition of a complex nonlinear hydrodynamic system to chaos and to self-organization of convective cells. Two fundamental approaches widely used today have formed general principles and equations for the transition of a system from chaos to ordered collective behavior: the dissipative structure theory, first proposed by Prigogine [4], and the synergetics approach, developed by Haken [5]. These approaches describe the macroscopic behavior of the system regardless of the atomic and molecular chaotic and organized interaction. Modern development of computer technology and numerical models allows tracing the transition from chaos at the micro level to organized collective behavior at the macro-scale level, using the molecular simulation methods [6, 7].
Integrated models of land use and transportation for the autonomous vehicle revolution
Published in Transport Reviews, 2019
Jason Hawkins, Khandker Nurul Habib
In considering the future of ILUT models, it is clear their role increasingly will be one of the forecasting pathways through time, rather than traditional applications to infrastructure investment. In lieu of a new interchange being introduced to the transportation network and traffic volumes compared with a base case, applications will be focused on the adoption of new technologies and adaptation to changing climates and energy prospects. This will require the incorporation of evolutionary properties to models, which account for the emergent properties of cities. Complex systems theory states that increasing complexity will mean increasing divergence from equilibrium as the dominant state. The importance of path dependence and continuous nature of the change implicit in modelling AV suggest the application of evolutionary algorithms. This is the realm of synergetics, the study of the relationships between interacting components of complex systems. It considers the evolution of macroscopic changes in the system via the identification of universal principles of dynamics. These principles are applied to the urban context by Allen and others of the “Brussels School” (Allen & Sanglier, 1978). Applications focus on redistribution of population and employment and are based on mathematical formulations from the fields of chemistry and physics (Allen & Sanglier, 2010). Urban form is viewed as the emergent result of the actions of individual persons and firms, with much of the mathematics being adopted from the physical sciences. They introduce concepts of bifurcations and catastrophes from complex systems theory (Allen & Sanglier, 2010). These are representations of the instability of a system and suggest instances of rapid structural change.