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A Temporal JSON Model to Represent Big Data in IoT-Based e-Health Systems
Published in Om Prakash Jena, Bharat Bhushan, Nitin Rakesh, Parma Nand Astya, Yousef Farhaoui, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Efficacy Improvement of Healthcare Systems, 2022
Zouhaier Brahmia, Fabio Grandi, Safa Brahmia, Rafik Bouaziz
To support the conceptual modeling of big data extract process, Martinez-Mosquera et al. [26] have extended the meta-model of the unified modeling language (UML) with five new stereotypes (structured data; semi-structured data; unstructured data; text files and binary files), in addition to the use of two other stereotypes (conversion and loader) already proposed in a previous research paper [27]. The extension has been specified at the deployment diagram of UML. To illustrate the use of their proposal, the authors have used the proposed stereotypes to conceptually model three tools that support the big data extract process: Sqoop, Flume and Data Click. Notice that a UML stereotype is a UML extensibility mechanism that allows a designer to extend the concepts/vocabulary of UML, by defining a new modeling component that is not covered by UML and that satisfies some specific requirements.
Modeling with UML and Its Real-Time Profiles
Published in Katalin Popovici, Pieter J. Mosterman, Real-Time Simulation Technologies, 2017
Emilia Farcas, Ingolf H. Krüger, Massimiliano Menarini
Nonfunctional Properties Modeling (NFP) supports the declaration of nonfunctional properties (such as memory usage and power consumption) as UML data types. The Value Specification Language (VSL) is introduced in MARTE to specify the values of those data types using a textual language for specifying algebraic expressions. An annotated model (see Figure 5.13) contains annotated elements, which are model elements that have attached NFP value annotations for describing nonfunctional aspects (which can differ from one operational mode to another). The annotated model establishes the context for interpreting names used in the value specification. Examples of annotated elements (defined in other MARTE packages) used for performance analysis are step (a unit of execution), scenario (a sequence of steps), resource, and service (offered by a resource or component). A Modeling Concern establishes the ontology of relevant NFPs for a given domain used for the analysis. A domain model such as Figure 5.13 shows the concepts defined in MARTE. Then, a profile diagram defines the profile packages and how the elements of the domain model extend metaclasses of the UML metamodel. As explained in Section 5.3.3, the elements in the domain model are represented in the UML as stereotypes (e.g., the stereotypes «Nfp», «NfpConstraint», «Mode», etc.). However, not every element in the domain model results directly in a stereotype, because some of the domain concepts are abstract.
Published in Phillip A. Laplante, Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2017
stereotype a user defined submetatype in UML. It represents a second and coincident classification. Thus, objects of an Apple class might also be stereotyped as belonging to the class called GreenObject. This extra annotation would be given in UML as “GreenObject”.
A model-based systems engineering approach for developing modular system architectures
Published in Journal of Engineering Design, 2022
Benjamin W. Stirgwolt, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani
Central to developing a modular system and assessing modularity is the development of a modularity lexicon and the relationships between the terms. These terms and relationships are defined in a modularity ontology. A modularity ontology is required to provide the modelling semantic formalisms for addressing the modularity of the system. The ontology guides the development of extensions to UML/SysML, which are too general for domain-specific viewpoints. As discussed by McGinnis et al. (2012) SysML provides an effective means for ontology development for capturing the concepts needed to perform an analysis and create a domain-specific language (DSL). Several approaches exist for extending UML/SysML including: (1) creating new meta-classes or (2) extending existing meta-classes (Bruck and Hussey 2008). As relatively straightforward customisations are needed for incorporating modularity concerns into the metamodel, the approach of adding new properties to existing UML meta-classes was chosen. The extensions of UML/SysML are provided using stereotypes. These new modelling elements and their attributes allow system architects to use the information contained in their descriptive system models and perform mathematical analysis. The top-level ontology shown in Figure 3 considers the behaviour, structure, requirements, and parametrics of modularity. The figure also provides descriptions for the relationships used in the ontology.
Extensible, Extendable, Expandable, Extractable: The 4E Design Approach for Reconfigurable Displays
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2021
Jean Vanderdonckt, Radu-Daniel Vatavu
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) (UML, 2019) implements extensibility mechanisms to extend the language in a controlled way with stereotypes and profiles (Osis & Donins, 2017). The Extensible Markup Language (XML) (XML, 2019) acts as a skeleton to enable anyone to structure and specify data. Lastly, in an application domain more close to our contribution, multi-display UX design, recommendations are that “extensibility and platform independence must be taken into consideration during the conception,” while “a concept should be flexibly designed for cross-media (digital and print), cross-device, and cross-platform information dissemination” (Nagel, 2016).