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Security in Wireless Video Sensor Networks Based on Watermarking Techniques
Published in Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Nabil Ali Alrajeh, Wireless Sensor Networks, 2016
Noreen Imran, Boon-Chong Seet, A. C. M. Fong
As discussed, the problem of maintaining privacy, integrity, and authenticity of video data transmitted over radio links is of vital importance. Several analogies have been found in literature [47–49] to define the relationship between cryptography and watermarking. However, it is evident that no single solution is sufficient to deal with all types of security threats. Therefore, a combination of security mechanisms in the same or different protocol layers has been a common solution approach [50]. Before making the case for which one (cryptography or watermarking) is more suitable for WVSNs, we will first clearly explain each of them along with their anticipated goals. Cryptography deals with secure transmission of a message from sender to receiver through an insecure communication channel, with secure transmission being characterized by three aspects, namely, privacy, integrity, and authenticity of the message. It is meant to keep the communication secret primarily by the use of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and hash primitives, accompanied by various key distribution and trust management techniques. Only those who have the key(s) are able to access the hidden content.Watermarking, on the contrary, is a multidisciplinary field that coalesces diverse areas such as signal processing, cryptography, communication theory, coding, compression, human visual system (HVS), and video quality requirements [44]. It is the branch of information-hiding that is applied to embed watermark (or digital signature) into the digital data signal such that it is hard to remove from the signal without the extraction algorithm.
IT Security Action Plan
Published in Frank R. Spellman, Fundamentals of Public Utilities Management, 2020
If the organization does not have a system in place to control data access, the following precautions are strongly recommended. Every employee should (FCC, 2017): Never access or view client data without a valid business reason. Access should be on a need-to-know basis.Never provide confidential data to anyone—client representatives, business partners, or even other employees—unless you are sure of the identity and authority of that person.Never use client data for development, testing, training presentations, or any purpose other than providing production service, client-specific testing, or production diagnostics. Only properly sanitized data that can’t be traced to a client, client employee, customer, or the organization’s employee should be used for such purposes.Always use secure transmission methods such as secure email, secure file transfer (from application to application), and encrypted electronic media (e.g., CDs, USB drives, or tapes).Always keep confidential data (hard copy and electronic) only as long as it is needed.Follow a “clean desk” policy, keeping workspaces uncluttered and securing sensitive documents so that confidential information does not get into the wrong hands.Always use only approved document disposal services or shred all hardcopy documents containing confidential information when finished using them. Similarly, use only approved methods that fully remove all data when disposing of, sending out for repair, or preparing to reuse electronic media.
Block chain-based access control protocol in Internet of Drones
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2022
Subhadra Perumalla, Santanu Chatterjee, A. P. Siva Kumar
The blockchain-based access control mechanism for secure transmission uses four different entities and two phases like the authentication and access control phases. Besides, the access control mechanism is employed in each phase to ensure the secure transmission of the information. Here, the encryption and the hashing function are used for secure transmission. While transferring the information, the session password is XORed with the hashed private key for better authentication for the information sharing in the blockchain-based network. Drone communication is widely used in military applications and other tracking and monitoring systems, where secure communication plays a vital role. Hence, the authentication between the communication is highly confidential, obtained by secure access control protocol.