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Lotus Notes
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
Notes provides the user with a flexible browsing capability. For example, if a parent document has multiple child documents, the user can elect to view just the parent, or the parent and all next-generation documents, or all the generations of documents related to the original parent. This would require three different queries in an RDBMS, the largest of which would significantly tax performance. More important, flexible browsing in Notes does not require that users make precise queries. Notes does not assume that users know exactly what they are searching for. They can use the outline-oriented, expand-collapse metaphor to easily browse through large volumes of information. SQL databases require a specific query, and they return a flat, tabular result set.
Research on real-time data centre reconstruction technology based on big data technology
Published in Lin Liu, Automotive, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 2017
Li Xianhui, Sheng Zhou, Shengpeng Ji, Gang Zhen, Yang He, Wei Li, Yongsheng Wang, Weidong Tang, Jun Chen, Ping Lou
In order to improve the efficiency of data access, recent data should be stored in the data cache and long-term data should be stored in the “Column Database + Distributed File System”. The relational database system mainly stores the computation result set that needs to be saved in the big data platform flow calculation or off-line calculation process.
Search Engines
Published in David Austerberry, Digital Asset Management, 2012
The input processing will ultimately generate words representing the concept of the search phrase or sentence. These are matched against the index database and a result set created. The results can be ranked by their calculated relevance. This is generated from a number of weighting factors generated during the preprocessing.
Using Chained Views and Follow-Up Queries to Assist the Visual Exploration of the Web of Big Linked Data
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2022
Aline Menin, Minh Nhat Do, Carla Dal Sasso Freitas, Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron, Alain Giboin, Marco Winckler
Table 1 presents a summary of the above-described on-the-fly query processing solutions. We can observe that most solutions are focused on relational databases. Despite the fast growth of LOD datasets (both in terms of production and usage), there is still little work toward the dynamic integration of external data in visualization interfaces designed for exploring LOD datasets. The solutions we identified in the literature allow the visualization of data from different datasets through multiple visualization techniques. Nonetheless, these solutions provide a single visualization technique to represent the whole SPARQL result set, restraining the analysis to a single view of the data. Moreover, S-Paths (Destandau et al., 2021) is limited to the exploration of RDF graphs available via a specific SPARQL endpoint only while the analyzers provided by the LDVM (Brunetti et al., 2013) provide mainly RDF abstractions, which restrain the user from exploring domain-relevant subsets of data. In this context, our proposal differs from the existing solutions by (i) allowing the exploration of any SPARQL endpoint through SPARQL queries that can assist the exploration of RDF graphs, ontologies, or particular phenomena (e.g., bibliographic networks), and (ii) instead of replacing the existing views with a view of the new dataset, it integrates the query and the new view as chained views in the dashboard to provide exploration awareness while supporting visual comparison of different datasets.
Multi-scale hydrological system-of-systems realized through WHOS: the brokering framework
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022
Enrico Boldrini, Stefano Nativi, Silvano Pecora, Igor Chernov, Paolo Mazzetti
As an example, the inner pluggable components of the Profiler are: Web Request Transformer: in charge of validating and transforming an incoming web Request compliant with a specific request model to an internal harmonized Request;Result Set Mapper: in charge of mapping a Harmonized metadata instance from the Result Set to a specific metadata model;Result Set Formatter: in charge of joining and formatting the harmonized Result Set to be presented to the client.
Application of intelligent analysis based on project management in development decision-making of regional economic development
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2023
To find the final result, the local outlier factor LOF of the points needs to be calculated. In this section, the related concepts are first introduced to deduce how to find the boundary of the LOF, then a greedy method is proposed to select points with large outliers to calculate , and finally the final result set is determined by the filtering refinement method.