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C Programming
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
The most versatile keyboard input function is scanf(). Like printf(), this function requires a format specification string as its first parameter to describe the number and type of variables to be input. The specifications have the same form: “%d” for int, “%f” for float, “%c” for char, and “%s” for string. The input statement “scanf(“%d%d”, &i, &j);” reads two integer values into the int variables i and j Note that the addresses of these values are used as the parameters rather than the variables themselves. Failure to pass the address will cause an error when the program is run. This is a very common source of programming errors among novice C programmers. Consider the valid uses of scanf() given in Figure 13.31.
Higher-Level Programming
Published in Syed R. Rizvi, Microcontroller Programming, 2016
The output on the screen is achieved using printf that writes to the standard output a sequence of data formatted as the format argument specifies. The first printf in the code above has %d as a specifier and x as an argument. Also, \n is an escape sequence. An escape sequence is a series of characters used to change the state of computers and their attached peripheral devices. The C programming language provides many escape sequences. The escape sequences for newline and carriage return are ‘\n’ and ‘\r’, respectively. A specifier defines the type and the interpretation of the value of the corresponding argument. The specifier %c, %d or %i, %f, and %s output character, signed decimal integer, decimal floating point, and string of characters, respectively. The output of the program is the following: x = 10 y = 20 y = y + x; y = 30 y = y − 2; y = 28
War of Control Hijacking
Published in Uzzal Sharma, Parmanand Astya, Anupam Baliyan, Salah-ddine Krit, Vishal Jain, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Advancing Computational Intelligence Techniques for Security Systems Design, 2023
Ragini Karwayun, Monika Sainger
Almost every programming language uses format strings for inserting values into a text string. One of the foremost functions used in the C programming language is printf(), or “print formatted.” Format functions are extremely convenient and handy for generating readable output as they provide automatic type conversions. However, if one is not careful enough, vulnerability of the printf() format strings can be exploited to perform a variety of attacks. Actually, the entire family of the printf() format functions including fprintf(), snprintf(), vpprintf(), etc., are all vulnerable.
From strong to exact Petri net computers
Published in International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2022
Dmitry A. Zaitsev, MengChu Zhou
Each line of the corresponding ‘.ndr’ file is transformed into format of function printf in the following way: the constant part is left ‘as is’; the part that changes with the number of the current block is represented as the corresponding format – ‘%f’ to print coordinates as fixed-point real numbers and ‘%d’ to print the nodes numbers as integers. Coordinates and nodes numbers are represented as expressions computed based on coordinates of drawn nets and offsets for the current block; they are printed using the corresponding formats. The following offsets are calculated at the beginning of the loop passage: toff – offset of the first transition of the block; poff – offset of the first place of the block; xoff – offset of the block on coordinate X (in the horizontal direction). Offset yoff of the block on coordinate Y (in the vertical direction) does not change and equals zero.
Arbogast : Higher order automatic differentiation for special functions with Modular C
Published in Optimization Methods and Software, 2018
Isabelle Charpentier, Jens Gustedt
Composed identifiers are segmented by a user-choosable character.2 The basic rules for interpretation of such an identifier are straightforward, the segmented prefix of an identifier corresponds to the module (translation unit) where that identifier can be found. For instance, C::io::printf refers to the printf function in the module C::io and arbogast::trd refers to the Taylor polynomial type trd (Taylor real double) in the arbogast module. As long as segmented identifiers are used in this long form, they can be used freely anywhere they make sense. All necessary information is encoded in that name and no #include or import directive is needed.
Data change analysis based on function call path
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2018
Cao Yong, Mu Yongmin, Shen Meie
Global variables are defined out of the function, can be used for multiple files. In 1.c, definite global variables int i; extern int i use in 2.c and 3.c; it can be used if statement, when global variables and local variables has the same name, the local variables play role, global variables are blocked. Adding global represent the property of variable before a global variable entering the main function, global data change as Entry the main → global: int num = 4 → main: 5: int j = 0>main: 6: num = j → main: 7: printf (num) → Exit main (Figure 3).