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Low-Level Control
Published in Wyatt S. Newman, A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS, 2017
Although the controllers here have been illustrated only in one degree of freedom, the approach generalizes to complex arms. Figure 11.7 shows a seven-DOF arm holding a weight using natural admittance control. Source code for this example is in package arm7dofnaccontroller. Conceptually, the approach is the same as the one-DOF controller. Sensed forces and virtual forces are combined (as vectors rather than scalars), and robot inertia (a matrix, rather than a constant) is considered to compute accelerations (in joint space) expected to result from the effort interactions. The joint accelerations are integrated to compute equivalent joint velocities, and these velocities are commanded to joint velocity servos of the robot.
Mobile Platforms
Published in Jithesh Sathyan, Anoop Narayanan, Navin Narayan, K V Shibu, A Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Mobility, 2016
Jithesh Sathyan, Anoop Narayanan, Navin Narayan, K V Shibu
Android software development kit tools compile the code into an Android package. The package is an archive file with an .apk suffix. The entire code in a single .apk file is a considered as one application. This file is used in installing the application in Android-powered devices. This .apk file includes all data and the resource files as well. When the application is executed, after the application installation, it will run on its own sandbox: The Android OS acts similar to a multiuser Linux system, where each application is a different user.The system assigns a unique Linux user ID for each application. Then, the system also sets permissions for all the files existing in an application. This makes sure that the user ID assigned to the corresponding application can only access it.Each process has its own virtual machine, which in turn makes sure that an application's code is running in isolation from other applications. Every application runs in its own Linux process. Android will start the process when any one of the components in the application needs to be executed. Android shuts down the process when it is no longer needed or when the system is recovering memory for other applications.
Developing a Composite Indicator with Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus Images for Drought Assessment in a Coastal Urban Region
Published in Ni-Bin Chang, Yang Hong, Multiscale Hydrologic Remote Sensing, 2012
Zhiqiang Gao, Wei Gao, Ni-Bin Chang
According to the above parameter settings and modeling mechanisms (Bastiaanssen et al. 1998a,b; 2000a,b), a computer program was designed using Arc/Info 9.0 Macro Language and Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.5 mixed-language programming to generate the ultimate SEBAL computational code. The SEBAL computer package can be operated in a Microsoft Windows system using the Environmental Systems Research GRID module as the major data format. This study follows Equations 7.1 through 7.5 for the derivation of heat fluxes.
What can we learn from 9 years of ticketing data at a major transport hub? A structural time series decomposition
Published in Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2022
Paul de Nailly, Etienne Côme, Allou Samé, Latifa Oukhellou, Jacques Ferriere, Yasmine Merad-Boudia
Several extensions to this work are to be expected. It will be interesting to work at a shorter time-scale, to study events with well-localized effects, such as concerts or evening work. The extension to multivariate time series is also a relevant continuation of this work. A multivariate model considering several mobility data would implicitly introduce a covariance structure between the error terms of the different time series, thus providing us with correlation information between the errors of several series. Another avenue of work would be to combine this type of model with machine learning models to predict or detect anomalies over short or medium-term time horizons. the fine analysis of residuals can also allow the detection of outliers A transferability of this work to other case studies is possible due to the adaptability of these models. For this reason we make available the source code for the analyzes with the dlm package at https://github.com/pdenailly/TransportHub_TimeSeriesDecomposition.
Research directions for supply chain management in facing pandemics: an assessment based on bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review
Published in International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2022
Marcelle Candido Cordeiro, Luan Santos, Ana Carolina Maia Angelo, Lino G. Marujo
The Bibliometrix package was used to investigate metadata (Aria and Cuccurullo 2017). Then, Biblioshiny (Kaffash, Nguyen, and Zhu 2021) was used for data analysis (Figure 1). The following questions guided bibliometric analysis (Wang, Lim, and Lyons 2019): (Q1) What are the distribution of publications and citations across time and space?(Q2) Who are the most productive and influential authors, institutions and countries?(Q3) What are the publications patterns and main topics?
Towards an extended model-based definition for the digital twin
Published in Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2018
Alexander McDermott Miller, Ramon Alvarez, Nathan Hartman
After having the base line of what we could expect we took the same created part and embedded data into the model then the same round-trip tests are run. When importing in a saved file which has embedded data in the native CAD package format there was no change in any of the measured fields as well as there was no change in the data that was embedded. The embedded data and the location it was placed in remained unchanged. Then the part with the embedded data was exported to the NFF format and the NFF was imported back into a new instance of that CAD package. While we saw the same error appear in the volume, area and mass of the part, such as with our base line round-trip tests. However, the embedded data did not suffer any error. The location and data that was embedded was untouched and remained identical to what was originally embedded. This NFF with embedded data was then imported into a different CAD package and what was seen is that the embedded data was also not altered in the other CAD package.