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Instruction Set and Assembler Language Programming
Published in Fernando E. Valdes-Perez, Ramon Pallas-Areny, Microcontrollers, 2017
Fernando E. Valdes-Perez, Ramon Pallas-Areny
A library is a collection of programs in a file, more commonly a collection of subroutines grouped over a common theme. These subroutines are available in the library file (file.lib). For example, it is possible to create a library through a group of subroutines related to mathematical operations and call it math.lib. The file with the library can be linked with the other files resulting from the assembling process as shown in figure 4.10. Using libraries has the advantage of having a single file with all the programs with a common focus. When the library is linked with the object files, the linker only takes from the library those subroutines that the program calls. This limits the size of the machine language program because it does not contain unnecessary code.
Application Structure
Published in Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki, LabVIEW™ Advanced Programming Techniques, 2017
Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki
Managing a large application can be difficult. You have to keep track of the hundreds of files that are in the application. The files needed may also include external code, project documentation and support files. By using a project library you have the ability to organize all of the files needed for an application in a single hierarchy. This has the benefit of being able to set permissions on groups of files in a single action. This also will make distributing the files easier. In order to distribute a project library you can either distribute the actual library file along with the corresponding files that the library owns. You can also create a zip file that contains the entire library. The zip file function is part of the Application Builder application.
C Programming
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
Another important characteristic of C is its dependence on the ANSI C library. A library is a collection of prewritten and translated functions to provide commonly needed actions. For example, there are no input or output statements built into C. All input and output occurs through library functions. The ANSI C standard defines library functions for many purposes: standard input and output functions, math functions, string manipulation function, various time functions, etc. To be an effective C programmer, it is not sufficient merely to know the statement types provided by C; it is vital to understand C’s use of library functions and to know what type of functions are available in it.
Research on Recommendation System of Online Chinese Learning Resources Based on Multiple Collaborative Filtering Algorithms (RSOCLR)
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
The content that the collaborative filtering algorithm suggests is comparable to the word cloud, but also offers advantages. Word clouds are a crucial method of text visualization that may be used to highlight essential phrases and words in lengthy texts. Word cloud recommendation analyzes the distribution of document themes to reveal hidden subject information in the document library or knowledge corpus. It also determines the topics that interested the writers of the documents and the percentage of topics that each document addressed. Natural language processing, automatic abstract creation, citation analysis, cluster analysis, and other fields all make extensive use of this technology. Based on these traits, the Mode 1 and Mode 2 recommendation modes in Table 1 (shallow recommendations) receive higher attention in word cloud recommendations; In some cases, Mode 3 and Mode 4 based on the collaborative filtering algorithm, which belongs to the categories of moderate and deep recommendation, will be more in line with the actual demands of students in the learning process, but word cloud recommendation is unable to carry out similar tasks.
Best Practices for Stakeholder Engagement for Government R&D Organizations
Published in Engineering Management Journal, 2023
Carrie Beam, Eric Specking, Gregory S. Parnell, Ed Pohl, Maria N. Goerger, J. Paige Buchanan, George E. Gallarno
Once we determined the source was worth further review, we obtained the full text of the document and added it, usually in PDF format, to our Qiqqa library. Qiqqa is a software tool which stores the full text of.pdf reference materials online in a sharable format. With this tool, all team members could upload and view papers for the entire project. Qiqqa also allowed content tagging of materials and assistance with bibliographic citations. Once we added a source to the Qiqqa library, our research team would read the document. From here, we selected 19 sources as providing the most relevant stakeholder engagement best practices information. These sources are corporate sources (1), governmental sources (9), standards organizations (5), and other similar organizations such as national laboratories (4). The 19 sources have publication dates between 2003 and 2019, with just over half of them (10 out of the 19) within the past five years, dating from 2014 or later.
Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020
Joan Masó, Ivette Serral, Cristina Domingo-Marimon, Alaitz Zabala
This work extents the graph to include SDG indicators. A Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram (see Figure 6) shows the different concepts and relations used in the graph as well as the properties of each one. The UML has been transformed into a JSON schema file. A JSON file (conformal and validated with the JSON schema) describes each object and relates it to other objects. The graphical library d3.js (https://d3js.org/) is used to draw the graph in a web page. Each element of the graph is active: by hovering on the element, the element and the first level related elements are illuminated while the rest are shadowed. This characteristic permits fast visual navigation over the graph. By clicking one of the objects, a panel presenting more details about the object is displayed. User can also choose to display the data as a list of objects or in a tabular form. Finally, a JSON-LD library converts the JSON file into an RDF document for the LOD.