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DSM-CC and Broadcast File Systems
Published in Steven Morris, Anthony Smith-Chaigneau, Interactive TV Standards, 2012
Steven Morris, Anthony Smith-Chaigneau
Just like file systems in UNIX, object carousels can be mounted into a location in the current directory hierarchy. The MHP DSM-CC API represents a service domain using the ServiceDomain class. Before a service domain can be used, it must be attached using the ServiceDomain.attach() method. This mounts the service domain in the file system hierarchy, in the same way that the UNIX mount command does. There are three different versions of this method, as follows, each taking a different set of parameters. public void attach(Locator l);public void attach(Locator service, int carouselId);public void attach(byte[] NSAPAddress);
Streaming Media and Metafiles
Published in Joe Follansbee, Hands-On Guide to Streaming Media, 2006
Here’s the URL taken apart, piece by piece. Protocol – This is the streaming protocol used by the server. In the example, it’s Microsoft Media Services protocol. Note the following colon and pair of forward slashes.Domain – This is the familiar string of characters ending in .com. Note the following optional colon.Port – The number in the example, 1755, identifies the requested service to the computer where the service lives, in this case Windows Media Services. The RTSP protocol uses port 554. Port numbers are usually optional.Mount point – The mount point is the beginning place in the streaming media server’s file system or directory structure where streaming files are located. The mount point is set in the server’s configuration files.Path – The directory or directories under the mount point where a specific file is located. A file could be located directly under the mount point.File name – The name of the file to stream. In the example, the .wmv extension signals it’s a Windows Media file.
Roll Tape!
Published in Cliff Wootton, Developing Quality Metadata, 2009
You should survey the repository first to assess the size of your problem. You will need to know roughly how many clips you need to process and what their file types and any other properties are. Some of the UNIX command line tools make this easy to ascertain. This script assumes that the repository is mounted in your local file system at a known mount point. The “find” command will generate a list of files in the file system; the resulting list is sliced in two where the filename and extension are separated by a full stop. The resulting column of file name extensions is passed through a sort and uniq filter so that the output is a list of file types in the repository.
Deceptive Infusion of Data: A Novel Data Masking Paradigm for High-Valued Systems
Published in Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2022
Arvind Sundaram, Hany Abdel-Khalik, Ahmad Al Rashdan
The presented methodology motivates a few fundamental questions on the DIOD data masking paradigm. For example, is it necessary to mount the inference metadata onto the fundamental metadata of a generic system if the AI/ML application only requires the inference metadata? How can one ensure that the overwriting of the fundamental metadata is sufficient to protect sensitive data? Can knowledgeable adversaries make educated guesses on the fundamental metadata based on the observed inference metadata to solve the ill-posed inverse problem? The concept of mutual information is key to addressing these questions as it is a measure capable of identifying the necessary inference information for AI/ML applications, and all other data from the sensitive dataset may be discarded or overwritten.
An open source analysis framework for large-scale building energy modeling
Published in Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2020
Brian L. Ball, Nicholas Long, Katherine Fleming, Chris Balbach, Phylroy Lopez
The current and planned future improvements to OSAF are aligned with the future perspectives outlined in Hong, Langevin, and Sun (2018), including: Developing a non-OpenStudio-based workflow, based on PyFMI (Andersson, Akesson, and Fuhrer 2016), to merge the simulation of Modelica, functional mock-up units, and co-simulation with EnergyPlus with the parametric capabilities of OSAF;Adding Python capability to complement the already existing R-based algorithms;Further results handling by creating and publishing Jupyter-style Python notebooks (Kluyver et al. 2016) that interface directly with OSAF;Enhancing the storage capabilities and reducing load on the server API by developing an extensible file system storage mount; andEnabling other cloud platforms besides Amazon Web Services (e.g. Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure) using Kubernetes and Helm.
A provably secure certificateless public key encryption with keyword search
Published in Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2019
Tsu-Yang Wu, Chien-Ming Chen, King-Hang Wang, Chao Meng, Eric Ke Wang
PEKS with designated verifier, namely dPEKS, is a variant of PEKS proposed by Rhee et al. (2010). A dPEKS allows only a designated server to perform the keyword searching. When the encrypted metadata and the trapdoor are generated, both the data user’s public key and the server’s public key are used. This framework allows the removal of secure channel between the data user and the server. It also provides opportunity to partly resolve the inherent insecurity of a trapdoor. ‘Partly resolve’ refers to the fact that a malicious server can still mount an off-line keyword guessing attack by constructing the encrypted metadata and testing it with its own private key, against the trapdoor he has received. Rhee et al. defined a new security notion of dPEKS called ‘Trapdoor indistinguishability’ which allows a scheme to be formally proven secure against a non-designated person who wants to launch an off-line keyword guessing attack.