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Context-Aware Service Provision in Ambient Intelligence: A Case Study with the Tyche Project
Published in Bruno Bouchard, Smart Technologies in Healthcare, 2017
As mentioned earlier, the OSGi specification is based on the Java language technology. It particularly uses the Java language introspection and class- loading mechanisms to instantiate modules and services. In OSGi, a module is called a bundle, which is a typical Java JAR-compressed file with specific data in its manifest file and specific classes. Each bundle exports or imports codebases or services, depending on their functionalities, to other bundles, creating complex functionalities, such as GUI or WebServer. In OSGi, a specific service is a bundle’s class instance that offers methods (i.e. functions), which can be called by other OSGi bundles. What is interesting in the OSGi SOA model is the capability to create dynamic relations between modules, add, update or remove in runtime several bundles while reducing the impact of these actions on the quality of service. The exchange of data and utilization of services are managed by four specified layers:Security layer that manages the bundle validity through signature validation and hashcodesModule layer that manages the loading of the codebases and their executionsLife cycle layer that manages the life cycle of bundlesService layer allows service exchanges between modules
Reliable Ad Hoc Smartphone Application Creation for End Users
Published in Georgios Kambourakis, Asaf Shabtai, Constantinos Kolias, Dimitrios Damopoulos, Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Mobile Ecosystems, 2017
Adwait Nadkarni, Akash Verma, Vasant Tendulkar, William Enck
AppMaker first extracts the AndroidManifest.xml from temp.apk. We parse and modify the manifest file using AXML [45], as it is in a binary XML format. We change the package to one with a prefix name to “edu.ncsu.nativewrap,” and a random and unique 64-character suffix, as described in Section AppMaker changes the package name only in the manifest file. It does not rebuild the application. To ensure that the application executes correctly, we use the full classname of activity components specified in the manifest. Using the default relative class names attempts to call a nonexistent class, since the package name in the manifest no longer matches the prefix on the Java classes.
FloVasion: Towards Detection of non-sensitive Variable Based Evasive Information-Flow in Android Apps
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2022
Bharat Buddhadev, Parvez Faruki, Manoj Singh Gaur, Shubham Kharche, Akka Zemmari
The evasion flow diagram for this technique is illustrated in Figure 3. So far, we have considered the evasion via (i) system variables or (ii) variables using normal permissions instead of dangerous permission declaration in manifest file. Normal permission declaration does not require user consent to access a sensitive resource in manifest xml. Hence, the FloVasive app leaks sensitive information without user’s knowledge. Existing information flow analysis techniques tag the manifest permission and associated sensitive variable invocation in the source code. The mapped variables are identified as dangerous or suspicious. Hence, the sensitive variable’s leaking capability is undermined. Since the normal permissions are automatically granted by the Android framework without any explicit user intervention, the “E2P” app utilizes normal mode instead of dangerous permission invocation.
Semantic driven code generation for networking testbed experimentation
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Filip Jelenkovic, Milorad Tosic, Valentina Nejkovic
The two pillars of the SecGENE framework are automatic code generation and end-user application design. Together, they empower end user to define experiment flow based on the given experiment topology and to generate code that can be executed on the testbed. A typical experimentation process builds upon the set of well-known tools as follows: First, the experiment’s topology is designed using jFed (Vermeulen, Van De Meerssche, and Walcarius 2014). jFed is a user-friendly tool where client application communicates with the FITeagle12 service for discovery, reservation, acquiring and monitoring of resources in a testbed federation. Interoperability between different testbeds is facilitated by the FIRE SFA interface (FIRE SFA 2017). Once resources have been provisioned, their names and attributes are written in a manifest file called RSpec. FITeagle provides API for converting the RSpec manifest to the set of semantic resources defined by classes from the OMN ontology. SecGENE invokes the conversion action by calling RESTful API of the FITeagle service. As a result, network topology accompanied with all necessary parameters is returned. It is stored in the SecGENE knowledge base repository for further use by code generator and the Flow Editor.
An investigation on adaptive HTTP media streaming Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and agility using cloud media services
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2021
Selvaraj Kesavan, E. Saravana Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, K. Vengatesan
Media presentation description: Adaptive HTTP streaming standard supports on-demand, live and time shift applications with various content profiles, deployed using standard web servers and work with present internet infrastructures. An XML-based manifest file describes the media presentation details and playlists required to stream the content at the client. The media segments with various bit representations can be requested based on the information extracted from the manifest file. Server provides representations in multiple resolutions and bandwidths. Clients request the highest quality content based on available network capacity to render without waiting to buffer and effectively use the bandwidth.