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The World Wide Web
Published in David Austerberry, The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming, 2013
If the file is a web page, it will be HTML format, but the page may also have embedded graphics or media files. To instruct the browser how to handle these files correctly, the media content type is specified in the header using the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, or MIME (RFC 1521). MIME types include audio, image, text, and video. Subtypes beginning with/x- are private values, and require a proprietary application to view. The type ‘message’ is used for mail. The browser has several options for handling the file: The browser can handle the file internally.The browser can call a plug-in.The browser can pass the file to another application.The browser can download the file to disk.
Media Control
Published in Steven Morris, Anthony Smith-Chaigneau, Interactive TV Standards, 2012
Steven Morris, Anthony Smith-Chaigneau
In many cases, the content type can be determined from the URL, without needing to query the remote server or look at the data itself. Sometimes, looking at the protocol is enough. A dvb:// or ocap:// URL will usually represent a service or an elementary stream when we are using JMF (unless it includes a path to a file). For files, we can sometimes determine the MIME type by looking at the file extension. MHP standardizes a number of MIME content types for specific types of content (and file extensions that go with them), and OCAP has adopted some of these.
Putting Video on the Web
Published in Cliff Wootton, A Practical Guide to Video and Audio Compression, 2005
The <EMBED> tag works with all browsers across different platforms. One of the attributes is the MIME type of the content. The browser uses this to select a playback application or plug-in. The <EMBED> tag also has failover mechanisms that lead you to a download page if there is some content being embedded for which you don’t have a plug-in installed. Table 26-3 lists the download addresses if you want to include them in your web pages.
An investigation on adaptive HTTP media streaming Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and agility using cloud media services
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2021
Selvaraj Kesavan, E. Saravana Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, K. Vengatesan
Session establishment and media transport: The adaptive streaming client requests the web server with URL to get the presentation description file. The server delivers the appropriate presentation description file to the client to parse the MPD file and client extracts the required information to start and adapt the media playback for the session. The description file is a presentation XML file provides adequate information to the client for selecting and switching between various streams such as profile information, presentation duration, DRM information, audio, video mime type, dynamic audio stream and video stream switching capabilities. The description file can be divided into multiple compact sizes and even the elements can be referenced externally.