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Web Content Delivery Net Works
Published in Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková, Identification and Management of Distributed Data: NGN, Content-Centric Networks and the Web, 2016
Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková
One obvious solution to improve the availability of web content is to replace the origin server with a pool of origin servers and to exploit the features provided by the Domain Name System (DNS). Entering multiple Type A resource records specifying that the same host name can be resolved in a number of IP addresses allows a DNS server to resolve the same name into a number of different hosts, using a round-robin strategy. Because the time-to-live (TTL) field in the record indicates how long the latter can be kept valid in a nonauthoritative server’s cache, the TTL could in principle be used to predict how long a client will rely on a particular origin server.*
A survey of phishing attack techniques, defence mechanisms and open research challenges
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2022
The attacker creates the phishing URLs by making the change in the original URLs (e.g., changing the top-level domain). Prakash et al. developed Phishnet to predict the blacklisted URLs (Prakash et al. 2010). Phishnet evaluated on the dataset of 24,000 URLs and achieved 3% FPR & 5% FNR. Phishnet contains two modules, first is URL prediction and second is URL matching module. Following heuristics are used in the URL prediction module. Top-level domains (TLD) of the suspicious URL are replaced with 3,209 different TLDs resulting in child URLs that are required to be inspected.Phishnet maintains the cluster of host equivalence classes containing the same IP address and creates new URL by the combination of hostname and path.The URLs having the same directory structure are clustered, and new URLs are formed by exchanging filenames within the same cluster.The path equivalence class is generated, and query string can be exchanged to create new URLs.The New URLs are generated by substituting the organisation names in the malicious URLs. The technique uses 64 most targeted brand used by attackers.
Deploying IPv4-only Connectivity across Local IPv6-only Access Networks
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2019
The network administrator statically configures the local DNS6 of the ISP with the local D46RS IPv6 address by adding the D46RS hostname and the corresponding IPv6 address. This allows the D46RS device to be resolvable by all D46Hs that belong to the same ISP. All D46Hs are configured by default with a particular hostname of the D46RS. In contrast to the traditional method of allocating names and assigning addresses of hostnames, the D4across6 protocol shares the same default hostname among all ISPs. Each ISP can use any of its site-local IPv6 address(s) to map the D46RS's default hostname to that site-local IPv6 address. As a result, this would increase the transparency of D4across6 protocol in respect of the end-users as they are not required to manually configure their hosts with the D46RS hostname. However, this default option is configurable and the ISP administrator can choose a different D46RS hostname, but then the end-users have to manually configure their D46Hs with that new hostname to allow their D46Hs to automatically determine the tunnel endpoints. Figure 6 demonstrates the protocol infrastructure while being deployed by an ISP. D46Hs will automatically try to configure their network connectivity according to the following precedence: Try to communicate using native IPv4 connectivity.If the first option fails, then try IPv4-in-IPv6 connectivity.
Improving Spoofed Website Detection Using Machine Learning
Published in Cybernetics and Systems, 2021
In general, URLs of legal websites show the domain name in the “hostname” section. Attackers may add the domain name in the path section to make the victims trust their webpages. Thus, the value of this feature is set to be true (i.e., 1) if the domain name is found to be present in the path section of the URL.