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Security-Enhanced Cloud for Serverless Computing and Its Applications
Published in T. Ananth Kumar, T. S. Arun Samuel, R. Dinesh Jackson Samuel, M. Niranjanamurthy, Privacy and Security Challenges in Cloud Computing, 2022
L. Jerart Julus, Krishnan Ayyappan
Cloud computing is the process of delivering the services (such as databases, storage, computing capacity, and so on) needed for software applications through the Internet [2]. The categories of cloud are public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and virtual private cloud. When cloud services are accessible by the public for their usage, it is called public cloud. For example, Google search engine, Gmail, Google Drive, and related services are hosted on the cloud and are available to the public. When cloud resources are set up for the use of a particular organization alone, then it is called private cloud. For example, a web application hosted on a university’s server(s) to enable the students to see their assignments and scores. Hybrid cloud is a name given to the service which has the arrangement of public and private cloud [3]. That is, a set of non-critical applications/data will be hosted in public cloud. And the critical applications/data will be hosted in private cloud. In virtual private cloud, resources will be provisioned from a public cloud; however, access will be restricted only to the employees of an organization. So, virtual private cloud will be present inside the private cloud [4]. For example, organizations host their applications in AWS Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, etc., but have restricted access to their employees alone.
Smart Learning Solutions for Combating COVID-19
Published in Mohamed Lahby, Utku Kose, Akash Kumar Bhoi, Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities, 2021
Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides allow the sharing of documents, sheets, slides and these can be accessed, edited by those to whom access has been given. By using Google Drive one need not save anything on a computer. One can simply save one’s files, folders on Google Drive without affecting P.C. space. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are automatically saved in Google Drive and can be accessed therefrom. Jamboard allows writing text, drawing images and removing them, and even allows a user to add text and image from the web.56 To communicate for educational purposes Google has provided the facility of Gmail and even Google Meet. Google Meet allows mentors and mentees to meet virtually and mentors can effectively teach their mentees. The Chat feature is also available in Google Meet so that mentors and mentees can communicate with each other. Using Google Classroom mentors can assign tasks to mentees and mentees can submit their tasks personally to their mentors so others could not copy their work. It also enables mentors to check the work submitted and evaluate the performance of their mentees. In order to gather feedback or comments, mentors can use Google Forms. It can also be used for attendance and quiz. Google also allows the creation of assignments. Using Google admin function mentors can handle security issues, mentees, and devices in a secured manner.57
Gaps in employability research
Published in John Aliu, Clinton Aigbavboa, Wellington Thwala, A 21st Century Employability Skills Improvement Framework for the Construction Industry, 2021
John Aliu, Clinton Aigbavboa, Wellington Thwala
The 4IR and cloud manufacturing support the networking and interconnection of data, things, services, and people over the Internet in the manufacturing world, encouraging a smart system. Cloud technologies ensure increased data sharing across company boundaries, leading to improved system agility, productivity, and flexibility whilst reducing cost implications (Liu and Xu, 2017). Cloud computing can further be described as a model for permitting a wide range of on-demand network access to an interconnected pool of computing resources, including servers, services, and networks (Mell and Grance, 2011). While Armbrust et al. (2010) suggest that cloud computing services require minimal service provider interaction, Du Plessis (2017) states that it can also be regarded as software as a service (SaaS), with reference to the operations of Google Drive. In the case of Google Drive, which is a synchronization service, there is not only room for a storage service but also other services such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. The ubiquitous nature of 4IR ensures that large datasets are involved which guarantees that data sharing will become even more prominent. Moreover, cloud technologies have become more developed for various production systems owing to the constant efforts of developers.
Exploring users’ experiences of using personal cloud storage services: a phenomenological study
Published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 2018
Kimia Ghaffari, Mohammad Lagzian
There are a variety of PCSSs (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega, iCloud, SkyDrive, etc.) with different free and non-free capacities that users can utilise depending on their needs and budget. According to the existing reports, Dropbox with more than 100 million users is the most popular PCSS (Amrehn et al. 2013). It is a cloud service which enables users to access and update their files from different devices. Files of any type can be stored and shared through Dropbox (Drago et al. 2012). Google Drive is a cloud storage service by which files can be stored, synchronised across different devices, and shared to others. Google Docs, as a kind of Google Drive, works as a cloud repository which can be accessed by any web-connected device. Google Docs users have the ability to share different types of files with others, and edit the shared Microsoft office documents simultaneously (Tornyai and Kertesz 2014).