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Broadcasting Mobile Multimedia Using WiMAX-Network Architectures
Published in Amitabh Kumar, Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX: Principles, Technology, and Applications, 2014
Google provides a number of APIs which allow networks to connect to Google or for users to use Google services. The examples of some of the APIs are: AdWords API: management of Ad words account with GoogleGoogle Calendar: APIs and eventsGoogle Checkout API: for secure check of online transactionsGoogle Mashup Editor: for quick writing of website codeGoogle maps API: for embedding Google maps in web pagesGoogle AJAX search API: for placing Google search on web pagesGoogle Web Toolkit: for writing AJAX applicationsGoogle Gears: for off line working of web applicationsGoogle Gadgets: writing applications for Google home page and desktopGoogle KML: sharing content with Google Earth™, Maps, and Maps for Mobile
Health Informatics for Research Applications of CAD
Published in de Azevedo-Marques Paulo Mazzoncini, Mencattini Arianna, Salmeri Marcello, Rangayyan Rangaraj M., Medical Image Analysis and Informatics: Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Therapy, 2018
A CTMS has been developed for the Clinical Trial Center Aachen (CTC-A) [10]. It is a web-based application based on the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Java programming 5language, Sencha ExtGWT graphical user interfaces (GUI), a relational database (MySQL) that is fed via Hibernate and Gilead libraries. JUnit tests are performed. Jaspers reports are used to produce graphics-enhanced PDF-documents and dashboards. The main relations are: Study: Title and all relevant descriptions and identifiers such as the ClinicalTrial.Gov reference number.Person: All persons in their study-specific role (principal investigator, monitor, statistician, data manager, research nurse, etc.).Department: Every person is associated to only one department. This allows easy access levels (i.e.: none, own, department, all, master). The level department allows access to all trial data, where persons from the same department are involved, disregarding their particular roles.Patient: Subject-identifying data is separated, and the identification number is generated from the person’s name, date of birth, and gender.Efforts: There are several categories (study preparation, IT implementation, informed consent, etc.), which are used by all persons to track their study-specific efforts. Since 2010, more than 170,000 h have been recorded by CTC-A stuff.6Documents: SOPs and all other study-specific documents are archived in the system. A versioning is performed and several rights are attached to the documents.
ALAS: agent-oriented domain-specific language for the development of intelligent distributed non-axiomatic reasoning agents
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Dejan Sredojević, Milan Vidaković, Mirjana Ivanović
However, the problem arises when the ALAS agents move through the network and execute on various platforms implemented in different programming languages. If the agent moves, for example, to a Python platform, there will be a problem because the conversion process of the ALAS code to Python or some other language (except Java) is complicated if using Xtext. Xtext needs multiple Eclipse projects to be created with multitude of files which are often hard to understand. In (Sredojević et al. 2016) a conversion process of ALAS code to JavaScript by using Google Web Toolkit (GWT 2017) is described. This was only a partial solution when converting ALAS code to JavaScript because it is impossible to understand the generated JavaScript code. To solve and facilitate the process of conversion of the ALAS code into any other programming language and to enable agent mobility and platform independence, the latest version of ALAS is developed by using a novel, textX framework. textX is a framework for development of domain-specific languages. It is based on Python and use Arpeggio parsing expression grammar (PEG) parser. textX automatically converts parse trees to abstract representations and thus facilitates job for developers (Dejanović et al. 2017). DSLs developed by using textX such as: pyFlies (2017), pyTabs (Simić et al. 2015), DProfLang (Vaderna et al. 2015) and Applang (Kosanović, Dejanović, and Gordana 2016) had a strong influence on the ALAS developing.