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Basics of Fortran
Published in Caio Lima Firme, Quantum Mechanics, 2022
In a dynamic array the size of the array is unknown during compilation, but it will be given during the execution. They are declared by the statement ALLOCATABLE, followed by the function ALLOCATE and terminated with DEALLOCATE function. In the example below, the order n of the square matrix is defined by the user as well as each of its matrix elements. The symbol: in DIMENSION statement is called pointer.
Solidity Essentials
Published in Sandeep Kumar Panda, Ahmed A. Elngar, Valentina Emilia Balas, Mohammed Kayed, Bitcoin and Blockchain, 2020
A dynamic array can change its size over time. Dynamic array functions similar to JavaScript array, i.e., we can modify its length by adding or removing an element. Its size is not predefined at declaration.
Alternate panel interchange technique to improve the power production of PV array operating under various shading situations
Published in International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2022
Mohd Faisal Jalil, Shahida Khatoon, Rahma Aman, Salman Hameed, R.C. Bansal
The authors review various shade dispersion approaches in [36]. Moreover, propose a static architecture to nullify the partial shading effect for improving the output power of the PV array. The electrical reconfiguration system dynamically changes the connection of the PV array through several switches and sensors as per shading conditions for improving the output power. The authors in [37] presented an electrical reconfiguration scheme based on fuzzy logic. This technique was tested for a simple connection scheme on small scale implementations, and results prove to reduce the investment cost of the dynamic array. The authors in [38] try to reduce the high number of switches and sensors. They have proposed a new reconfiguration technique named Futoshiki. Several other researchers also worked on the shade dispersion technique [39]. Proposed a reconfiguration technique based on a mathematical puzzle, i.e. dominance square. Further, a concise comparative analysis has been presented with various other conventional configurations.
Repositioning of Series-Parallel, Total-Cross-Tide, Bridge-Link, and Honey-Comb PV Array Configurations for Maximum Power Extraction
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2021
Vinaya Chandrakant Chavan, Suresh Mikkili
A reconfiguration method has been classified into two broad categories; fixed array reconfiguration and dynamic array reconfigurations. In dynamic reconfiguration, the electrical connections are changed with the change in shading pattern to maintain the maximum power generation through sensors and switches [15]. It is also known as electric array reconfiguration (EAR) [16]. proposes a novel switch network consisting of double-pole-double-throw (DPDT) switches for reconfiguration of PV array [17]. presents a recent metaheuristic approach of coyote optimization algorithm to deal with reconfiguration under PSC. Sensors, switches, switch control power electronic structure, algorithm, complexity, and cost are the prime limitations of the EAR method. In fixed array reconfiguration (FAR), only the physical position of the panel has been modified at the start, not the electrical link, and no sensors, switches, or complicated algorithms are needed. It is a simple, robust, and less costly method of reconfiguration; therefore can be adopted for real-time PV array installations [18,19].
Performance investigation of PV array under partial shading conditions with static array configuration and MPPT
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021
Sanat Kumar Patro, R. P. Saini
Based on the literature review, it is found that most of the previous studies were carried out using different static array configuration and dynamic array reconfiguration. Whereas, the use of MPPT algorithms without considering the array reconfiguration strategy was also investigated. The effect on power enhancement by simultaneously implementing the static array reconfiguration strategy and MPPT has not been investigated so far. Therefore, the effect of bypass diode, static array reconfiguration, and a novel MPPT simultaneously on power enhancement have been investigated under the present work. The present work involves the implementation of SLDE algorithm, which builds social networks and the information obtained from social network helps to search GMPP. Another important contribution in this work is the implementation of an inspection strategy in the algorithm, which saves 0.06 s when the trial vector becomes equal to the target vector before the tracking starts. Moreover, the considered algorithm can also distinguish between change in load and change in solar irradiance by following deterministic steps that further reduces tracking time. The strategy also reduces unwanted fluctuation at the output of PV array.