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Published in Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki, LabVIEW™ Advanced Programming Techniques, 2017
Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki
The ability to use prewritten code is a key to reducing development time. Functions to perform many Windows functions have already been written. These functions are typically written in C, and are stored in Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). LabVIEW can call these Windows functions in two ways. The first way is through the use of a Code Interface Node. An easier method for calling DLL functions is through the use of the Call Library function. The main difference between calling C code in a CIN and using the Call Library function to call a DLL is the integration of the source code. When using a DLL, the code remains in its library; it is not copied into the execuTable files of the application. The other obvious difference is the fact that DLLs are Windows-specific, whereas the Code Interface Node can be used across platforms.
Precast segmental bridge construction in seismic zones
Published in Fabio Biondini, Dan M. Frangopol, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability, 2012
Fabio Biondini, Dan M. Frangopol
Another important concept concerns to the Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL), which are program components that can contain data, classes or other types of information, and do not own or references to other libraries. The DLL is an important part in the pursuit of modularity because they allow code changes, shared by multiple applications, without requiring any modification of these. The use of generic formulations associated with DLLs allows the use of plugins, which are a major contribution as well for modularity. Plugins are independent programs that interact with a host application to provide a function, usually very specific. So it is possible to use very simple host applications, and the implementation of new capabilities is performed by the use of plugins that don’t have access to the base code of the application.
BASIC programming
Published in Mike Tooley, PC Based Instrumentation and Control, 2013
DLLs make efficient use of resources because only one copy of the DLL needs to be present in memory at any particular time in order to offer its services (i.e. access to its Subs and Functions) to any program (or any other DLL) that may need them. DLLs have multiple entry points, one for each exported Sub or Function. The next section shows how DLLs can be used to overcome the problem of accessing ports within the Windows Protected Mode environment.
Network Interface Program for Actuator Controllers for Pseudo-Dynamic Hybrid Simulation
Published in Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2023
Xu Huang, Jamin Park, Oh-Sung Kwon
The purpose of the communication function is to establish the connection and transfer data between the numerical model and NICON. To take advantage of various numerical modules in the UT-SIM framework and use them for the numerical substructure in a hybrid simulation, the generalized UTNP is implemented in NICON. UTNP has been developed in the format of a dynamic link library (i.e., DataExchange.dll) and an objective file (i.e., DataExchange.out) for Windows and Unix-like operating systems, respectively, such that it can be dynamically loaded by multiple programs at run-time to use the same standardized data format and library of functions, e.g., setupconnection(), senddata(), recvdata(), and terminate() as illustrated in Fig. 5.
Digital measurement twin for CMM inspection based on step-NC
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021
Slavenko M. Stojadinovic, Sasa Zivanovic, Nikola Slavkovic, Numan M. Durakbasa
Hardwick, (n.d.) describes the STEP-NC Dynamic Link Library (DLL) as a data pipe for the assembly of data from design, process planning, machining and inspection to enable collaboration for technical product data by integrating the information required for CAD/CAM/CNC and CMM applications. Applications based on DLL include just-in-time simulation and verification, integrated machining and inspection, five-axis cutter compensation, and supply chain traceability (Hardwick, n.d.). Zhao, Xu, and Xie (2008) proposes a STEP-NC data model for on-line inspections and framework of STEP-NC enabled closed-loop machining (CLM). The main problems in this type of CLM systems is related to time, compatibility and data modelling. ‘Geometrical information about the part being machined and inspected is not preserved’ (Zhao, Xu, and Xie 2008, 201) and currently, ‘no CMM is capable of interpreting STEP-NC information’ (202), so that STEP-NC inspection data had to be converted into suitable format using, for example, Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) and Dimensional Markup Language (DML) (Zhao, Xu, and Xie 2008).
On the multi-agent stochastic simulation of occupants in buildings
Published in Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2018
Jacob Chapman, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Darren Robinson
No-MASS has been developed as both a Linux shared object and as a Microsoft Windows dynamic link library. Figure 3 shows how the system connects to EnergyPlus. In the same way that EnergyPlus reads in the building configuration and weather data from the IDF file and the EPW file, No-MASS reads in data from an XML file called NoMassConfig.xml. This file contains information relating to the occupants that is used to build and attribute the agent population, facilitating the subsequent processing of an agent activity profile that is used to calculate the probability of an activity taking place at each time step, as well as the bedroom and office that agent will belong to. This allows No-MASS to assign an agent to a zone for when they are in an office or to a bedroom when their activity is sleeping. As new models are integrated into No-MASS, the configuration file will need extending to include the inputs of the new models.