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Researching digital objects
Published in Catherine Dawson, A–Z of Digital Research Methods, 2019
The Digital Curation Centre in the UK (www.dcc.ac.uk) is ‘an internationally-recognised centre of expertise in digital curation with a focus on building capability and skills for research data management’. You can find the Curation Lifecycle Model on the website, which ‘provides a graphical, high-level overview of the stages required for successful curation and preservation of data from initial conceptualisation or receipt through the iterative curation cycle’.
A digital curation model for post-occupancy evaluation data
Published in Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2022
Panagiotis Patlakas, Marta Musso, Peter Larkham
It is reasonable to expect that this increase will continue. The interest in understanding better the performance of buildings is becoming greater, particularly with regard to their environmental impact in the context of the climate emergency. Post-occupancy evaluation is an important mechanism to achieve this enhanced understanding. Simultaneously, the cost of collecting data is dropping constantly, and more properties can be measured more quickly and thoroughly than ever before, while more methods of analysis are available via Machine and Deep Learning techniques. The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) will increase exponentially the data that can and will be collected. Individual elements, from building management systems to everyday personal objects, such as household appliances or mobile phones, can come equipped with their own in-built sensors, data logging software, and capacity to upload to the cloud on a constant and instant basis. This will mean a multitude of formats and datasets, with different owners and standards. This not only raises a host of issues, such as privacy, ownership, storage, and duplication, but also presents a missed opportunity, by not unifying this data for a common purpose. Digital Curation (DC) provides a strategy for the long-term storage, archiving, management, recovery and utilisation of data. However, no attention has been paid until now to the need for, and importance of, a DC strategy for POE data.