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AI Programming Languages and Tools
Published in Adrian A. Hopgood, Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists, 2021
Historically, Lisp has developed in an unregulated fashion. Different syntax and features were introduced into different implementations, partly as a consequence of the existing hardware and software environment. As a result, many different Lisp dialects such as Interlisp, Franzlisp, Maclisp, Zetalisp, and Scheme were developed. A standard was subsequently produced—Common Lisp—that was intended to combine the most useful and portable features of the dialects into one machine-independent language (Steele 1990). This standard form of the language is also the basis of CLOS (Common Lisp Object Standard), an object-oriented extension of Common Lisp. All the examples introduced here are based upon the definition of Common Lisp and should work on any Common Lisp system.
Formal Methods
Published in Cary R. Spitzer, Uma Ferrell, Thomas Ferrell, Digital Avionics Handbook, 2017
Today, there are relatively few formal verification tool suites organized around major theorem-proving systems. Two of the more significant tools in the United States are prototype verification system (PVS) [17,18] (described in the next section) and a computational logic for applicative common lisp (ACL2) [11]. In Europe, the Coq [10], Isabelle [19], and higher order logic (HOL) [7] systems are popular. Most make use of a higher-order logic. ACL2 uses a more restrictive logic; in return, it offers fully automated proofs. The other systems opt for greater theoretical power at the expense of requiring users to carry out proofs interactively. They are often said to represent a “heavyweight” style of formal methods.
Published in Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin, Statistical Computing in C++ and R, 2011
Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin
Declarative languages are sometimes further divided into functional and goal-oriented. Generally, in functional languages one expresses the computation as the evaluation of a function. This evaluation, of course, may be divided into smaller pieces, each again involving the evaluation of a single function. Common Lisp, Mathematica and R are functional languages. In a goal-oriented language, the programmer specifies definitions and rules and lets the system find a “solution” satisfying the definitions by using a built-in general search loop. An example of a goal-oriented language is Prolog.
Message from the Editor
Published in Journal of Quality Technology, 2019
This Department is intended to elaborate on opportunities offered by computational capabilities at our disposal to solve real problems in quality technology. To this aim, two main types of submissions are foreseen:Critical review of computer software available to solve specific challenges. This type of contribution is aimed at providing to the reader the guidelines for selecting the best software package/code for the problem at hand. In this case, submissions should consist of a general description of the specific topic, a complete review of the existing software, and a critical review/comparison of the main features (computing times, data pre-processing, main options available, final performance) on the basis of one or more applicative examples.Software code on novel approaches proposed in literature. In this case, authors are asked to present and describe a newly developed computer code package, implementing techniques and tools recently proposed in literature. Authors should provide a detailed description and documentation of the software; commented examples and data; an on-line demo version to be tested on data sets uploaded by the users. Code can be in any interpreted or compiled high-level language, such as S/R, SPSS/Matrix, SAS/IML, MATLAB, and Mathematica, Fortran, C, C++, Java, Common Lisp etc. Submissions of software written in languages requiring non-standard interpreters or compilers must include all tools necessary to run the code in the submission.