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Jeddah Heritage BIM and the case study
Published in Ahmad Baik, Heritage Building Information Modelling for Implementing UNESCO Procedures, 2020
There are several programs that can be used to build the models of the objects library. In this stage, Autodesk Revit (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 versions) was used. The Autodesk Revit software has a lot of advantages, such as rapid building and changes to the 3-D model, high-quality construction documents, and a high level of flexibility (Baik et al., 2013). In fact, to deal with such complex Hijazi objects in Autodesk Revit, the Revit Families were convenient. These files are stored in “. RFA” format and are able to be inserted directly into the Revit project. These RFA files are usually described as data files that hold one or more 3-D models. These 3-D models can be inserted into a 3-D scene and were generated and saved with the Revit Family Editor (ReviverSoft, 2013).
Building information modelling application of material, water, and climate footprint analysis
Published in Building Research & Information, 2021
An additional tab in the Autodesk Revit software was developed to enhance the sustainable use of natural resources in combination with reduced GHG emissions of buildings. Autodesk Revit is a well-known interdisciplinary BIM software (Habibi, 2017; Shadram et al., 2016) developed by Autodesk. The life cycle of a building asset includes planning, initial design, engineering, development, documentation and construction, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, repair, and end of life (EN 17412, 2019). The planning stage includes pre-design, design, and execution (Hollberg et al., 2017). Environmental impacts are significantly influenced by the decisions taken at the design stage (Hollberg et al., 2017), which was classified according to the Royal Institute of British Architects, into concept design, developed design, and technical design.
The future of the sustainable green architecture through technology
Published in HBRC Journal, 2023
There by reducing waste on site and the carbon footprint of the project. Additionally, APIs like this can be reprogrammed to also include properties to indicate sustainability. BIM tools like Autodesk Revit also allow designers to undertake energy performance analyses, which not only help to make energy-conscious decisions early in the design process, as Revit Architecture can be used for designing very complex process of sustainable design like orientation and solar study, and automates the activities such as Green Building Studio to further provide specialized functions. BIM provides data which is required to assess building sustainability and is therefore a powerful method to improve sustainability [4].
Evaluation of BIM energy performance and CO2 emissions assessment tools: a case study in warm weather
Published in Building Research & Information, 2019
Antonio Galiano-Garrigós, Alicia García-Figueroa, Carlos Rizo-Maestre, Ángel González-Avilés
At this stage of the project development, it is possible to work with a more defined building model. In contrast with the basic geometry of the early stage analysis, the building envelope and HVAC systems are completely defined. All the construction information was introduced in an Autodesk Revit model, as this program allows for a complete management of the building construction and is linked to other BIM tools to provide a global digital evaluation of the construction process.