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Formal Methods in the Automotive Domain: The Case of TTA
Published in Nicolas Navet, Françoise Simonot-Lion, Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook, 2017
The Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) [1-3] is a distributed computer architecture for the implementation of highly dependable real-time systems. In particular, it targets embedded control applications, such as by-wire systems in the automotive or aerospace industry. For these safety-critical systems fault tolerance is of utmost importance. The Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP/C) constitutes the core of the communication level of the TTA. It furnishes a number of important services, such as atomic broadcast, consistent membership, and protection against faulty nodes that facilitate the development of these kinds of fault-tolerant real-time applications.
A synod based deterministic and indulgent leader election protocol for asynchronous large groups
Published in International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2022
Sathyanarayanan Srinivasan, Ramesh kandukoori
There are a plethora of indulgent leader election algorithms available in the literature, but to our knowledge, there have not been many efforts to optimise them for large-scale systems. In this work, we have proposed a deterministic and indulgent leader election algorithm that is adaptable for large-scale distributed systems on asynchronous networks. We also optimised our algorithm to be used in WSNs and IoTs. Simulation results show that our algorithm is efficient in terms of the number of round trips and latency required to elect a leader. The latency depends on the relative network delay between acceptors. This provides flexibility in implementation, as the required number of acceptors can be chosen in nearby regions to reduce latency. Fault tolerance in our algorithm is achieved as a trade-off with the message complexity – more number of acceptors results in increased fault tolerance but also increase in message overhead and thus marginal increase in latency. We also discussed optimisations that could trigger the best case scenario when the system is synchronous – if there are no process failures and message loss in the system and all proposers propose the same value, then the leader is elected in one round trip, which is also the lower bound for synchronous systems [12]. In future, It will be interesting to apply and evaluate P-Paxos to solve state machine replication, atomic broadcast and other applications of consensus.
Incorporating the Raft consensus protocol in containers managed by Kubernetes: an evaluation
Published in International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2020
Hylson Netto, Caio Pereira Oliveira, Luciana de Oliveira Rech, Eduardo Alchieri
The first two properties are not so hard to implement since they need that (1) all variables that represent the state of a replica start with the same values at all replicas and (2) all operations are deterministic. On the other hand, coordination need an atomic broadcast protocol and/or a consensus protocol, once they are equivalent [21].