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The Longer Term: Quantum Information Processing and Communication
Published in Simon Deleonibus, Electronic Device Architectures for the Nano-CMOS Era, 2019
The technique due to Grover has also been extended to the more general quantum algorithmic principle of amplitude amplification. This has been used for finding the quantum query complexity of some problems on graphs. For example, given a n-vertex graph specified by its adjacency matrix (a nxn matrix with ai,j=1 if there is an edge between vertices i and j, 0 otherwise), the problems of finding the minimum weight spanning tree of that graph, of checking whether the graph is fully connected, or of checking if there is a path between any two vertices if the graph is directed, all have a classical query complexity Θ(n2). With the help of amplitude amplification and a few other quantum algorithmic techniques, these problems have been found to have a quantum query complexity Θ(n3/2).
Threat to the Current Blockchain Cryptosystems Due to the Advancement of Quantum Computers
Published in Latesh Malik, Sandhya Arora, Urmila Shrawankar, Vivek Deshpande, Blockchain for Smart Systems, 2022
It uses amplitude amplification to find the desired element, which is the reason for the increase in speed. As I already mentioned, outcomes of quantum computers are probabilistic, hence amplitude amplification is a great idea to increase the probability of the required element.
Quantum algorithm for solving the test suite minimization problem
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2021
Hager Hussein, Ahmed Younes, Walid Abdelmoez
Test-suite minimization problem is an essential software engineering problem that has special importance in software testing. Evolutionary algorithms and other algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem. In this paper, a quantum algorithm is proposed to solve the est-suite minimization problem with high probability. Applying quantum algorithms to software engineering problems gives better results than that obtained using classical methods. This paper proposes a quantum algorithm that uses amplitude amplification techniques to search for the minimum number of test cases required to test all the requirements. The proposed algorithm employs two quantum search algorithms, Younes et al algorithm for quantum searching via entanglement to prepare incomplete superposition, and an updated Arima’s algorithm for searching the prepared search space for a possible solution to the given problem instance.