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Introduction to Civil Engineering
Published in P.K. Jayasree, K Balan, V Rani, Practical Civil Engineering, 2021
P.K. Jayasree, K Balan, V Rani
Transportation engineering is related to the movement of people, goods, and vehicles safely and efficiently without consuming any extra time with the help of different ways of transportation. This includes design, construction, and maintenance of transportation infrastructures like roads, traffic islands, railways, highways, canals, ports, airports, and heavy mass transit. It mainly includes transportation planning, transportation design, traffic engineering, and some concepts of pavement engineering, urban engineering, queuing theory, infrastructure management, and Intelligent Transportation System.
Self-powered sensors for road pavements
Published in Sandra Erkens, Xueyan Liu, Kumar Anupam, Yiqiu Tan, Functional Pavement Design, 2016
F.G. Praticò, F.G. Della Corte, M. Merenda
In a fast growing world, transportation engineering and transportation infrastructures need to face a number of unsolved issues, among which the following can be cited: achieving a better safety level for the different vehicles and users; increasing system resilience and security; lowering agency costs; lowering user costs through the minimization of delays (workzone-related or not), vehicle operating costs, etc.; increasing overall sustainability, which includes lowering environmental impacts and having a bearable and equitable social impact.
Published in Dušan Teodorović, The Routledge Handbook of Transportation, 2015
In ancient as well as in modern times people developed various transportation systems (based on animal-drawn wheeled vehicles or on Boeing-747 aircraft). Vehicles guide ways, and terminals and control policy represent basic elements of every transportation system. How is it possible to plan, design and maintain good transportation systems and liveable human communities? Transportation engineering and transportation science deal with planning, design, operations, control, management, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation systems, services and components. Within transportation science technology, science, social sciences and cultural heritage come together. Transportation science techniques have high influence on transportation system performance in terms of the level of service, capacity, safety, reliability, resource consumption, and the environment, economics and finance.
User preference-based intelligent road route recommendation using SARSA and dynamic programming
Published in Journal of Control and Decision, 2023
Roopa Ravish, Shanta Rangaswamy, Arpitha V, Vasuprada U
Traffic is one of the challenges in transportation engineering, as it directly influences the economy and environment by increasing travel time, fuel consumption, and emissions. Advanced route guidance systems (RGS), which can suggest alternative routes to alleviate traffic congestion, are one method of reducing traffic congestion (Rezaei et al., 2019). A predictive traffic control system can aid in a RGS (Lee et al., 2020). It involves invoking the traffic control model by broadcasting traffic information collected. It, in turn, sends a request to the traffic prediction model, after which the routeing system gets updated.