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Carboniferous reef's massif of the Berkha Island as a model of the potential collector of hydrocarbon resources on the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago
Published in Vladimir Litvinenko, Innovation-Based Development of the Mineral Resources Sector: Challenges and Prospects, 2018
Type of sedimentation changed twice in the Early-Carboniferous paleobasin, which occupied the territory of Novaya Zemlya archipelago. �Black shale� sediments had regional distribution in the Tournaisian and the Early-Visean stage. Most of the archipelago was in the area of deep-sea sedimentation. �Black shale� sediments are represented by black calcareous and siliceous argillites with pyrite and colorful iron oxides and hydroxides on their surfaces, and with layers of cherts and radiolarites. Rocks are characterized by high organic carbon content (from the first to 13%). The hydrological regime in the sea basin gradually was changing since the Late Visean. Evaporation processes became to prevail over the inflow of water in the arid type of lithogenesis. Increase of the density of surface rich-oxygen waters promoted their penetration into the deep part of the basin. Silicaclastyc sedimentation in the basin was changed by carbonate sedimentation. The birth of the reef was in the Tula time (Visean stage), when sea level increased and transgression began.
The composition of organic matter of Domanic deposit of the Bavly field
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2019
Yu. M. Ganeeva, E. S. Okhotnikova, E. E. Barskaya, T. N. Yusupova, L. E. Foss, O. C. Sotnikov, M. M. Remeev, R. S. Khisamov
The Bavly oil field (тatarstan, Russia) is a field testing site for the application of new approaches to oil field development, including the development of Domanic deposit (Muslimov 2007). Domanic deposit of the Volga-Ural oil and gas basin is the thin-bedded carbonate-siliceous formation with a high content of organic matter, capable of both producing hydrocarbons with their own source rocks and concentrating them in separate zones acting as a reservoir (Stoupakova 2017). Today, most researchers believe that the Domanic deposit of the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora basins is a complex of high-carbon stratus enriched with organic matter and located from the Sargayev horizon to the Tournaisian stage. The Domanic deposit is composed of low permeability dense rocks and is oil-source rock as Bazhenov and Khadum formations. The Domanic deposit of the Republic of Tatarstan is not an absolute analogue of the shale rocks of North America. Therefore it requires the search of new ways of development. For the successful development of that category of hard-to-recover reserves study of the specific features of the composition of both the hydrocarbon fluids extracted from them and the organic matter contained in the rocks is necessary.
Features of the composition and properties of crude oil from the Bavly oil field of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2018
Ekaterina E. Barskaya, Yulia M. Ganeeva, Tatiana N. Yusupova, Ekaterina. S. Okhotnikova, Lev E. Foss, Oleg S. Sotnikov, Marat M. Remeev
The scientific and practical interest to hard-to-recover oil reserves grows with time (Huang et al. 2016; Sannikova et al. 2017). The domanic deposit of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, which is currently not considered as stratigraphic term but as a general concept for formations enriched with organic matter and spread everywhere from the Sargayev horizon to Tournaisian stage, belongs to hard-to-recover oil reserves as well. The possibility of an extension in hydrocarbon reserves with domanic deposit becomes obvious and is confirmed by industrial inflows of oil from the domanic deposit that previously did not belong to productive (Kayukova et al. 2017). Hydrocarbon potential of domanic deposit of Volga-Ural oil and gas basin were noted by many authors (Khisamov et al. 2017; Kiseleva et al. 2017; Smirnov et al. 2018). To assess the development of this category of hard-to-recover reserves, it is necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of the composition and properties of the hydrocarbon fluids and oils extracted from domanic deposit and overlying and lower-lying productive strata correspondingly.