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Published in Paul H. King, Richard C. Fries, Arthur T. Johnson, Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems, 2018
Paul H. King, Richard C. Fries, Arthur T. Johnson
A significant advantage of accelerated life testing is that it can be conducted during the development phase of a product to weed out design problems and marginal components. Thus a consumer products company can achieve better customer satisfaction because fewer products have to be returned for repair and can also save money on warranty returns, or an aerospace manufacturer can avoid catastrophic failures in aircraft or space vehicles. Another major advantage is that the design team can be moved on to designing new products rather than becoming occupied with problems in older products.
The Design Process and the V-Model
Published in Ali J Jamnia, Khaled Atua, Executing Design for Reliability within the Product Life Cycle, 2019
Once these iterative steps are completed, accelerated life testing may be conducted to establish product life expectancy and evaluate service maintenance schedules. Finally, reliability demonstration tests are conducted to provide objective evidence that reliability requirements can be met.
Design for X
Published in Ali Jamnia, Introduction to Product Design and Development for Engineers, 2018
Once these iterative steps are completed, accelerated life testing may be conducted to establish product life expectancy and evaluate service maintenance schedules. Finally, reliability demonstration testing is conducted to provide objective evidence that reliability requirements can be met.
Data analysis of progressive‐stress accelerated life tests with group effects
Published in Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 2022
Liangliang Zhuang, Ancha Xu, Binbing Wang, Yuguo Xue, Songzi Zhang
Life tests are essential for assessing the reliability of electrical, mechanical, and medical devices, etc. With the development of advanced technologies, traditional lifetime tests are no longer suitable because modern assets are highly reliable. Accelerated life testing (ALT) is a way to solve this problem by increasing certain environmental stresses to collect failures in a shorter period of time. By using ALT, the manufacturers can provide data showing how well a product works, how long it will last and how it will fail in the future. Determining a product’s life expectancy before it goes into production will prevent frustration and unnecessary additional warranty costs, which can reduce a company’s financial bottom line. The type of ALT can be classified according to its stress loading, for instance, constant stress, step stress, progressive stress, and cyclic stress (Nelson, 2009).
Weibull Step-Stress Model with a Lagged Effect
Published in American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 2018
The experimental scenario described above is known as a step-stress test, a particular type of accelerated life testing experiment. Accelerated testing has been extensively used in reliability and life-testing for units/items that are highly reliable. In accelerated life tests, the experimental units are exposed to higher than normal levels of the stress factors, affecting the underlying lifetime distribution and resulting in early failures. Assuming a model that relates stress and the lifetime distributions, the data from the accelerated test may be used to estimate the lifetime distribution under standard levels of the stress factor. For an excellent review on accelerated life testing, readers may refer to Nelson (1990) and Bagdonavičius and Nikulin (2002).
An adaptive two-stage Bayesian model averaging approach to planning and analyzing accelerated life tests under model uncertainty
Published in Journal of Quality Technology, 2019
Xiujie Zhao, Rong Pan, Enrique del Castillo, Min Xie
Reliability assessment for highly reliable products has drawn great attention in engineering design and plays a significant role in quality and maintenance management. In reliability studies, the life span of many products is extremely long, making it very difficult to conduct life tests under use conditions. Engineers usually resort to accelerated reliability tests to make inferences of field reliability. Accelerated life testing (ALT) is the experimental process of testing a product by subjecting test units to higher levels of stresses (temperature, voltage, vibration rate, pressure, etc.) than with its use stress, to produce more failures within a limited test duration (Chen et al. 2016a).