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Core Eudicots: Dicotyledons V
Published in Donald H. Les, Aquatic Dicotyledons of North America, 2017
The attractive foliage and bright berries of hollies have inspired their widespread use in ornamental wreaths and for other holiday decorations. They are also cultivated widely as decorative trees shrubs. The leaves (and twigs) of one species (Ilex paraguariensis) are high in caffeine and theobromine; in South America they are used to prepare a popular, stimulating beverage known as yerba maté (Reginatto et al., 1999). The berries of many holly species contain the bitter purine alkaloid ilicin and are highly toxic to humans, yet they are eaten extensively (and safely) by birds. The fine grain of holly wood makes it particularly suitable for use in fine decorative wood inlays. It also is a fairly heavy wood and has been used to manufacture various products ranging from chess pieces to piano keys. The American holly (Ilex opaca) is the state tree of Delaware.
Toxicity evaluation of traditional and organic yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) extracts
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2022
Lian da Costa Abrão, Dennis Guilherme Costa-Silva, Michele Goulart dos Santos, Maristela Barnes Rodrigues Cerqueira, Eliana Badiale-Furlong, Ana Luiza Muccillo-Baisch, Mariana Appel Hort
Several studies evaluated the chemical constituents present in yerba mate that may be responsible for its observed biological properties. Among the compounds found a variety of phenolic compounds, xanthines, saponins, and minerals were identified (Bastos et al. 2006; Bravo, Goya, and Lecumberri 2007; Cheminet et al. 2021; Farias et al. 2021; Filip et al. 2001; Olivari et al. 2020; Pagliosa et al. 2010; Puangpraphant, Berhow, and de Mejia 2011). According to Filip et al. (2001), an extract prepared from dried and powdered leaves from I. paraguariensis contained approximately 9.6% (% on dried wt) caffeoyl derivatives such as chlorogenic acid present in the highest quantity. In commercial samples of yerba mate prepared by decoction, caffeoylquinic acids were also the major constituents of the phenolic fraction, representing 70% of total polyphenols, among which chlorogenic acid was also the most abundant (Cheminet et al. 2021). Other polyphenols such as quercetin, rutin and kaempferol were detected in smaller quantities in different samples of I. paraguariensis (Bastos et al. 2006; Cheminet et al. 2021; Farias et al. 2021; Filip et al. 2001). The main xanthines found in yerba mate are caffeine, theobromine and in a lower concentration theophylline (Ito, Crozier, and Ashihara 1997; Pagliosa et al. 2010).
Beneficial effects of mate-herb, Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. against potassium dichromate-induced oxidative stress and nephrotoxicity
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2023
Ana Luíza Muccillo-Baisch, Fernando Rafael de Moura, Júlia Oliveira Penteado, Caroline Lopes Feijó Fernandes, Eduarda Costa Bueno, Edariane Menestrino Garcia, Flavio Manoel Rodrigues da Silva Júnior
It is worth noting that although studies show that consumption of yerba mate is safe, excessive consumption of antioxidant compounds might also lead to a state to higher stress that may pose the same risk to cells equivalent to oxidative stress, which is referred to as the “antioxidant paradox” (Henkel, Sandhu, and Agarwal 2019). In addition, phenolic compounds, when consumed in high concentrations or in the presence of excessive metal ions, also induce an oxidative state (Pérez-Torres, Guarner-Lans, and Rubio-Ruiz 2017). Certain commercially available formulations of yerba mate may exert a greater dual adverse effect as opposed to essential beneficial features (Cheminet et al. 2021).
Hypersensitivity pneumonia associated with metallic straw of mate (chimarrão): A case report
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2022
Liana Ferreira Corrêa, Alice Martins Machado, Leandro Genehr Fritscher, Thiago Krieger Bento da Silva, Sabrina Rocha Machado
Mate, also known as chimarrão, is a popular drink that contains yerba mate, a herb sourced from the native plant IIex paraguariensisis, and is consumed by up to approximately 70% of the population of different South American countries, typically Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.7–10 The daily consumption of the drink varies from 1.5 to 6 liters, demonstrating the strong cultural habit associated with its intake.7,8