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Dissipation structures
Published in Willi H. Hager, Anton J. Schleiss, Robert M. Boes, Michael Pfister, Hydraulic Engineering of Dams, 2020
Willi H. Hager, Anton J. Schleiss, Robert M. Boes, Michael Pfister
At an abrupt expansion with h1, b1, F1 as the approach flow conditions and b2 as the tailwater width, various types of flows occur (Figure 5.23): R-jump with supercritical flow in expansion and hydraulic jump in tailwaterS-jump with toe of jump more upstream but still in expanding reach and generation of an oscillating or even asymmetric jet flowT-jump with jump toe in approach flow channel and jump body in expansion.Although the R-jump is a stable configuration, it may develop into the S-jump under slightly increasing tailwater. The S-jump is highly spatial, unstable, and excessively long. For an expanding basin, only the T-jump is acceptable.
Published in S.K. Mazumder, Flow Transition Design in Hydraulic Structures, 2020
Class I transitions may be further subdivided according to flow regimes in open channel, namely, subcritical and supercritical flow, as follows: Transition from subcritical to another subcritical flow as in aqueduct and siphonTransition from subcritical to supercritical flow as in weirs and spillwaysTransition from supercritical to subcritical flow with hydraulic jump as in energy-dissipating structures.Transition from supercritical to supercritical flow without any hydraulic jump as in chutes
Water Resources Engineering
Published in P.K. Jayasree, K Balan, V Rani, Practical Civil Engineering, 2021
P.K. Jayasree, K Balan, V Rani
A hydraulic jump is the sudden turbulent transition of supercritical flow to subcritical. This phenomenon, which involves a loss of energy, is utilized at the bottom of a spillway as an energy dissipator by providing a floor for the hydraulic jump to take place as shown in Figure 14.44. The amount of energy dissipated in a jump increases with the rise in Froude number of the supercritical flow.
Upward interfacial friction factor in gas and high-viscosity liquid flows in vertical pipes
Published in Chemical Engineering Communications, 2020
Joseph Xavier Francisco Ribeiro, Ruiquan Liao, Aliyu Musa Aliyu, Zilong Liu
When the forces of inertia become dominant, resulting in , the tendency for downward flow of the liquid film is overcome by inertia from the gas flow. This condition is termed supercritical flow. denotes the critical gas Froude number at the flow reversal point. If , occurrence of annular flow is not considered; churn flow remains as a result of competition of the two opposing forces. Including the gas Froude number, therefore, is consistent with annular flow phenomenon.