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Analysis of Toxaphene in Environmental Samples
Published in B. K. Afghan, Alfred S. Y. Chau, Analysis of Trace Organics in the Aquatic Environment, 2017
Keith90 in 1960 reported a case of unusually high mortality in fish-eating birds of Tule Lake and Lower Klanath Refuges, part of an agricultural irrigation system in north-eastern California and Oregon. Major species affected were white pelicans, American egrets, gulls, black-crowned night herons, and western grebes. The authors indicated that analysts had difficulty quantitating DDT and DDT-metabolites when toxaphene was present in equal or greater amounts. Paper chromatography was used in 1960 and 1961, while paper chromatography and gas chromatography were analyzed in 1962. Unfortunately, carcass sample (whole body) data were for skinned birds so some toxaphene burden was possibly lost. Liver, kidney, and a composite sample (heart, liver, kidney, breast muscle, and brain) were analyzed to a "trace" limit of 0.1 ppm. Values ranged from nondetectable (zero) through 31.5 ppm in 2 adipose samples of the western grebe. No toxaphene was detected in the 1962 samples. DDT residues were present in all tissue samples and were about ten times the toxaphene residue data. Whole fish sampled in 1960 to 1961 had toxaphene residues ranging from 0.1 ppm to 8.0 ppm, while invertebrates collected at that time contained 0.0 to 0.2 ppm. The author did not unequivocally relate the death of the birds to pesticide poisoning. He did perform a toxicity feeding study and established that 50 ppm of toxaphene in diet was an effect level and that toxaphene effectively eliminated parasites from birds.
Published in Brian D. Fath, Sven E. Jørgensen, Megan Cole, Managing Soils and Terrestrial Systems, 2020
Marek Biziuk, Jolanta Fenik, Monika Kosikowska, Maciej Tankiewicz
Penetration through the skin is easier because pesticides can remain on the skin for a long time, the area of contact is large, and absorption of these compounds is rapid, especially through damaged skin. The inhalation of pesticides in contaminated air is very dangerous, as harmful substances very quickly enter the lungs and blood, and thence reaching all the organs of the body. The symptoms of pesticide poisoning include headache, a feeling of cold, giddiness/dizzi- ness, and skin rash. Organochlorine pesticides are capable of accumulating in the fatty tissues of living organisms, although their quantities in particular organs depend on the degree of fatness of the latter. When poisoning reaches a critical level, the most vulnerable organ is the brain. It was stated not long ago that some pesticides stimulate the production of microsomal hepatic enzymes responsible for the metabolism of some drugs (hypnotics, antiepileptics, analgesics), which reduces their therapeutic efficacy. Further symptoms of pesticide poisoning are as follows: Impairment of ion transport, leading to impaired neural conductivityDisturbances to neurotransmitter metabolismAbnormal immunological reactionsDestruction of hepatocytes, leading to cirrhosis of the liverCardiac arrhythmia
Published in Robert A. Burke, Counter-Terrorism for Emergency Responders, 2017
Literally hundreds of distinct types of chemical and biological warfare agents are known to exist. Only a few have actually been used in military battle. Terrorist acts in Japan and other locations demonstrate the need for appreciation of the characteristics that chemical and biological weapons present and the need to prepare for a potential attack. Agents used by terrorists will likely be those materials most capable of causing injury, incapacitation, and, in sufficient quantity, a large body count. Military nerve agents are close relatives of organophosphate pesticides. Many have been discovered while scientists were trying to develop a better pesticide. Nerve agents were first developed in the 1930s by Germans. Symptoms from exposure to nerve agents are similar to those experienced by organophosphate pesticide poisoning (Figure 1.10). Nerve agents are no longer the sole property of military forces and a threat to be expected only on the battlefield. Use of chemical weapons by terrorists now supports the premise that civilians are susceptible to attack, and the entire world is now a battlefield. Other types of chemical warfare agents are common industrial chemicals such as chlorine, hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, and phosgene, which are all DOT Hazard Class 2.3 and 6.1 poisons. Nerve agents and blister agents are less volatile and listed as Class 6.1 poisons. Riot-control agents are not highly toxic, but are irritants classified as Class 6.1 poisons. Biological agents are actually infectious substances, disease-causing organisms, which are classified as DOT Hazard Class 6.2. Radioactive isotopes and other materials are classified as Radioactive Class 7. Remember that regardless of the primary hazard indicated by a hazard class, almost all hazardous materials have more than one hazard.
Pesticide management by subsistence farmers in Mexico: baseline of a pilot study to design an intervention program
Published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2021
Belén Madeline Sánchez-Gervacio, Ramón Bedolla-Solano, José Luis Rosas-Acevedo, José Legorreta-Soberanis, Rafael Valencia-Quintana, Ana Laura Juárez-López
Improper handling and disposal of empty pesticide containers has been linked to the development of some diseases (Zhang et al. 2016). The effects of pesticide poisoning can be acute such as vomiting, abortion, headache, drowsiness, behavioral disturbances, seizures, coma, or chronic such as cancer, congenital malformations, peripheral neuropathies, both acute and chronic, and can lead to death (Martínez and Gómez 2007). Another study, in northern Mexico, reported that the majority of farmers exposed to pesticides and with low cholinesterase activity presented with neuropsychiatric disorders (Serrano et al. 2019).
Factors associated with health effects from occupational exposure to pesticide residues among greengrocers in fresh market, Bangkok, Thailand
Published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2019
W. Siriwong, P. Ong-artborirak, T. Nganchamung, S. Siriwat, M. G. Robson
During the month preceding the interview, the most frequent symptoms experienced by the greengrocers were in neuromuscular system (fatigue/tiredness, headache, dizziness, muscle twitching or cramps, excessive sweating, etc.), followed by skin system (skin rash/itching), eye system (eye irritation/blurred vision), digestive system (diarrhea, etc.), respectively. The significantly reported symptoms were associated with mild exposure to OP insecticides (Schulze et al.1997). Skin irritation was found to be the most common symptom experienced by the subjects. This is similar to several studies reported pesticide-related health symptoms in vegetable farmers. The study of Thekathuek et al. (2014) revealed that most common symptoms were found in central nervous system, visual system, and skin system. Likewise, Ngowi et al. (2007) reported that pesticide poisoning symptoms among small-scale vegetable farmers, consist skin problems, dizziness, headache, and excessive sweating, respectively. Lu (2009) found that the most common were headache, muscle pain, and cough, respectively. The study of Neupane et al. (2014) revealed that the most often reported symptoms in the previous month were blurred vision, extreme tiredness, excessive sweating, headache, and muscle cramps. Also, Ntow et al. (2006) reported symptoms such as body weakness, headache/dizziness, and itching/irritation. The findings indicated that occupational exposure to PRs may pose health effects among greengrocers. Although an error from reporting health symptoms related to PRs exposure could be occurred due to non-specific symptoms and subjective bias based on personal feelings, the current study was strengthened by reporting repeated symptoms. However, frequency of having symptoms should be reported for future research.
Pesticide handling practices and health risks among the apple orchard workers in Western Indian Himalayan region
Published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2021
D. Kumari, A. J. Sebastian, S. John
The education background indicated that most of the respondents (85%) had taken primary education and mostly were aware of the poisonous effects of pesticides. Also, good hygiene practices among the workers were observed: 97% washed their hands after handling pesticides especially spraying and 92% changed their clothes. Therefore, it can be inferred that the education level of the workers has direct association with the hygiene practices. Similar correlation between education level of the workers and the hygiene practice was reported by other researchers also (Jallow et al. 2017; Yassin et al. 2002). The present study found that extremely toxic insecticides belonging to the WHO Ia class like methyl parathion were being used in the region. Comparable studies from the low-income countries indicated similar scenario of use of highly toxic pesticides in spite of their ban in many countries (Ecobichon 2001; Wesseling et al. 1997). This local enforcement agencies should consider ban of these highly toxic pesticides. Mostly respondents in the study area stored the pesticides inside the houses (65%). Storage of pesticides inside the houses can cause severe pesticide poisoning when it comes in contact with children and domestic animals (Mekonnen and Agonafir 2002). Regarding mixing techniques, mostly the workers used hand and stick, while very few were following the proper mixing technique of pesticides (32%) by the long head nozzle of the sprayer machine. The mixing of pesticides manually using hand and stick leads to high exposure and can cause direct skin contamination and poisoning (Oliveira Pasiani et al. 2012). Half of the population among the orchard workers was not taking the personal protection practices (PPP) during pesticide sprays. Such laxity among the agricultural workers was reported as a common feature in the developing world (Jensen et al. 2011). It warrants a large scale intervention and awareness generation among the workers. In respect of the disposal practices of hazardous pesticide containers, nobody was even aware of the best practices of pesticide container management proposed by the FAO/WHO. FAO/WHO recommended that the empty pesticide containers should be handed over to waste management and recycling organizations and the burning or burying is prohibited in the fields (WHO/FAO 2008). The current hazardous waste management rules in vogue in India (HWM Rules 2016) also mandates the proper handling of the empty containers of pesticides which are designated under the hazardous waste category. Mohanty et al. (2013) in their study in Puducherry, South India observed that two third of the farmers dispose the empty pesticide containers indiscriminately and were not aware of safe disposal practices. Inadequate knowledge of the WHO color hazard labels was predominant among workers in the study area, as reported from other countries (Rother 2008; Waichman et al. 2007; Wilkinson et al. 1997).