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Upstream processing for viral vaccines–General aspects
Published in Amine Kamen, Laura Cervera, Bioprocessing of Viral Vaccines, 2023
Lars Pelz, Sven Göbel, Karim Jaen, Udo Reichl, Yvonne Genzel
Media formulation is additionally constrained to osmolality. The osmolality of the medium refers to “the concentration of osmotically active particles in that solution” [40]. Human blood plasma has an osmolality of approximately 290 mOsmol/kg. To mimic physiological conditions, cell culture media are adjusted to values of 260–330 mOsmol/kg. However, most continuously growing mammalian cells can show a very wide tolerance up to 500 mOsmol/kg [41]. Yet, cells will react to the respective osmolality of the medium by either shrinking (hyperosmotic, >330 mOsmol/kg) or swelling (hypoosmotic, <260 mOsmol/kg). During the cultivation, osmolality is changed by addition of salts, release of metabolites (lactate), feeding, and addition of buffers. Furthermore, monitoring of the osmolality can be very useful as quality control of the medium or to verify consistency between lots. Moreover, determination of cell size/cell volume via cell counter or capacitance probes should consider that cells do not only change in diameter due to osmolality, but also due to cell cycle phase, metabolic state or cell lysis (virus production).
Medium Design for Cell Culture Processing
Published in Wei-Shou Hu, Cell Culture Bioprocess Engineering, 2020
The low molecular weight solute composition of interstitial and intracellular fluid bears a few important characteristics. The total osmolality is around 280–300 mOsm, or about a total of 280–300 mM of dissociated solutes in both the intracellular and extracellular environments (Panel 7.3). The media for cells used in research has largely kept the total osmolality in the range of 280–300 mOsm, close to that of interstitial fluids. Bear in mind that a dissociable ionic compound contributes its total dissociated ions to the osmolality, whereas an undissociated molecule contributes an equivalent of its concentration. Thus 1 mM of MgCl2 contributes a total 3 mOsm; while 1 mOsm of glucose contributes 1 mM in an ideal solution. A couple of percentage points of error notwithstanding, the osmolarity can be taken as the sum of the molarity of all dissolved species in the fluid. The largest contributor to the final osmolarity of the interstitial fluid is Na+, followed by Cl–. A number of other inorganic species including K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ are present at low concentrations in the millimeter range. The major anions are Cl– and the bicarbonate ion (HCO3–) (10~30 mM) that serves as a pH buffer.
Contrast enhancement agents and radiopharmaceuticals
Published in A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha, Clark’s Procedures in Diagnostic Imaging: A System-Based Approach, 2020
A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha
Osmolality is the measure of solute concentration and defined as the number of osmoles (Osm) of solute per kilogram (kg) of solution and is the force that a solution exerts upon its environment (Fig. 2.5). All parenteral injections given to any patient should have an osmolality as close to that of body fluids as possible, thus reducing the potential for pain on administration. The osmolality of any solution is always directly proportional to the number of dissolved particles in that solution (molecules, ions). Therefore, the osmolality of contrast agent solutions can be decreased by increasing the number of iodine atoms per dissolved particle.
Application of molasses as draw solution in forward osmosis desalination for fertigation purposes
Published in Environmental Technology, 2021
Bizhan Bagheri, Ayoub Karimi-Jashni, Mohammad Mahdi Zerafat
A freezing point depression osmometer (Gonotec-OSMOMAT 3000, Scientific Group, Germany) is used to measure the osmolality of the solutions. The instrument compares the freezing points of each solution with pure water [43] and determines their osmolality using a 50 µL of sample in a 60 s for each test [44]. At the standard atmospheric pressure that water has a freezing point of 0°C, the freezing point of an aqueous solution with saline concentration of 1 Osmol/kg is −1.858°C. Osmolality (n/V) measurements from the osmometer are reported in mOsmol/kg that can be converted to osmotic pressure (π) in bar using Van’t Hoff equation (Equation (1)) [42]. Sugar content materials unlike sodium chloride and other salts do not dissociate [45]. Therefore, when one mole of such materials like molasses is dissolved in water, one mole of dissolved particles is yielded (i = 1).
Studies in nanofiltration of dyes industry effluent
Published in Indian Chemical Engineer, 2023
Pritesh S. Patil, Nitin V. Thombre, Yagna Prasad K., Anand V. Patwardhan
The effluent was characterised on various parameters. The pH was analyzed by a pH metre (Eutech, pH Tutor). The turbidity was carried out on a turbidity metre (Equiptronics, Digital turbidity metre, model no. EQ 811). The osmolality was measured by Semi-micro Osmometer (Knauer, model no. K-7400S). The conductivity and TDS were measured by portable conductivity and TDS metre (Thermo Scientific, Orion star A112 benchtop, and star A122 metre). For the COD analysis, the effluent sample was taken in the COD standard (Thermo Scientific, Orion Aquafast, Range 0–15000 ppm). The solution was digested on a digester for 2 hrs at 150°C (Thermo Scientific, Orion COD 165 Thermoreactor), followed by detection of COD value in COD sensor (Thermo Scientific, Orion AQ3700).
Application of interval arithmetic in numerical modeling of cryopreservation process during cryoprotectant loading to microchamber
Published in Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2023
Alicja Piasecka-Belkhayat, Anna Skorupa
The aforementioned interval osmolarity defines the number of moles of the osmotically active substance in 1 L of solution. It can be converted by equation [21]: where the interval osmolality means the number of moles of osmotically active substances dissolved in 1 kg of a solvent (e.g. H2O).