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Determination of Biodegradability Kinetics of Rcra Compounds Using Respirometry For Structure-Activity Relationships
Published in Bell John W., Proceedings of the 44th Industrial Waste Conference May 9, 10, 11, 1989, 1990
Henry H. Tabak, Sanjay Desai, Rakesh Govind
The Monod equation, relating cell growth to biomass and substrate concentration, and the linear law, relating cell growth to substrate removal, are the most popular kinetic expressions which can provide adequate description of growth behavior during biodégradation of substrate. Monod relation states that cell growth is first order with respect to biomass concentration (X) and mixed order with respect to substrate concentration (S) by the equation
Biological Treatment
Published in Ralph L. Stephenson, James B. Blackburn, The Industrial Wastewater Systems Handbook, 2018
Ralph L. Stephenson, James B. Blackburn
The Monod equation was generated from experiments utilizing pure cultures and single organic compounds. In wastewater treatment plants mixed bacterial cultures are used to metabolize mixtures of organic compounds. Therefore, there are limitations to the Monod equation. However, the Monod equation forms the basis for virtually all wastewater treatment process models.
A kinetic study on the nitrification process in the upflow submerged biofilter reactor
Published in Environmental Technology, 2022
Ayben Polat Bulut, Şükrü Aslan
The kinetics were developed by Jacques Monod in 1942 and are used to describe microbial growth [21]. The relationship between growth rate and substrate concentration is mathematically defined by the Monod equation utilizing the maximum possible rate of growth [15]. The Monod kinetics, used for representing the biofilm nitrification kinetics transport complexity and enzymatic reactions in the biofilter. This theory is based on Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics [22]. The substrate mass balance (Equation (1)) is written according to the continuous-flow completely stirred reactor, and dS/dt=0 is accepted under steady conditions. Equation (3) is obtained when the Monod growth kinetics equation given in Equation (2) is written in its place in Equation (1), and Equation (4) is found after linearization [21].
Theoretical one-dimensional porous media model for microbial growth on pore plugging and permeability evolution and its verification
Published in Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2023
Xinyu Luo, Angran Tian, Yuru Chen, Yu Zhou, Qiang Tang
The Monod equation establishes the correlation between the concentration of organic substrate and the specific growth rate of microorganisms. In his experiments, Monod discovered that the growth rate of microorganisms is dependent on both their concentration and the concentration of the substrate. Subsequently, he formulated the dynamic relationship between the specific growth rate of microorganisms and the substrate concentration, which is commonly known as the Monod equation. The equation is expressed as Eq. 1 [23]:
Growth kinetic study of electrochemically active bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens MTCC 8104 on acidic effluent of jute stick pyrolysis
Published in Indian Chemical Engineer, 2021
Jigisha Panda, Ranjana Chowdhury
Using the inverse of Monod equation, as below, the values of kinetic parameters, μmax (maximum specific growth rate) and Ks (substrate saturation constant) have been determined. The double reciprocal plot represented in Figure 6 has been generated by graphing the inverse of the set of ‘μ’s, obtained in the substrate-uninhibited growth zone, against that of corresponding initial acetic acid concentrations, Cs.