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Development of Green Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors
Published in Hatem M.A. Amin, Ahmed Galal, Corrosion Protection of Metals and Alloys Using Graphene and Biopolymer Based Nanocomposites, 2021
Victoriya Vorobyova, Olena Chygyrynets, Margarita Skiba
An electrochemical measurement was conducted in simulated atmospheric corrosion solution. The stimulated atmospheric corrosion solution was prepared by using double-distilled water containing 7.1 g Na2SO4 mg/L (∼ 0.5 N Na2SO4 ). Electrochemical experiments were carried out in a conventional three-electrode cell with a platinum counter electrode (CE) and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) coupled to a fine Luggin capillary as the reference electrode. To minimize the ohmic contribution, the tip of Luggin capillary was kept close to the working electrode (WE). The carbon steel working electrode was designed with a fixed exposed surface area of 0.385 cm2. As a specific feature of our electrochemical investigations, we noted that the disk-shaped surface of the end face of the working electrode was immersed in surface layers of the working solution by at most 1–2 mm. Polarization measurements were performed to monitor the mechanism of anodic and cathodic partial reactions as well as identifying the effect of an inhibitor on each partial reaction (Fig. 4–6).
Control Systems Engineering
Published in L. Ashok Kumar, M. Senthilkumar, Automation in Textile Machinery, 2018
L. Ashok Kumar, M. Senthilkumar
A Luggin capillary is used to shield the potential measurement from potential drop in solution, such that the potential is effectively measured at the tip of the capillary. This should therefore be close to the working electrode, but not so close as to shield part of the surface from the current flow (the ideal is about 3× the tip diameter of the capillary).
Optimization and development of predictive models for the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in sulphuric acid by methyl-5-benzoyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate (mebendazole)
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2020
F. O. Edoziuno, A. A. Adediran, B.U. Odoni, A.D. Akinwekomi, O.S. Adesina, M. Oki
The result data for the potentiodynamic polarization was obtained using an autolab potentiostat/galvanostat, VersaSTAT 4 Electrochemical System, controlled from a suitably equipped PC by a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface using the Versa Studio electrochemistry software package. A conventional three-electrode Pyrex glass cell was used for each of the experiments. Test coupons encapsulated in a polyester resin with total area of 1 cm2 exposed to the corrosive media were used as working electrode and a platinum rod as counter electrode. Ag/AgCl rod was the reference electrode. These electrodes were connected by means of a luggin capillary to the electrolytic cell. All electrochemical tests were performed in stagnant aerated solutions at room temperature and 60°C. The test coupon was submersed in the test solution for one hour to attain an equilibrium open circuit potential. The potentiodynamic polarization test was maintained between a potential range of −250 mV and +250 mV with respect to the corrosion potential using linear sweep technique at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. To obtain the corrosion current density (icorr) values, the linear Tafel segments of the anodic and cathodic curves were extrapolated to equilibrium corrosion potential. The polarization experiment was carried out in the blank sulphuric acid solution and the solutions containing known amount of the inhibitor.