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Nanostructured Materials Obtained by Electrochemical Methods
Published in Klaus D. Sattler, st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook, 2020
Cristina Cocchiara, Bernardo Patella, Fabrizio Ganci, Maria Grazia Insinga, Salvatore Piazza, Carmelo Sunseri, Rosalinda Inguanta
Many, if not the most, sensors are based on the electrochemical reaction occurring at the interface between the sensing material and medium containing the analyte. The preference for this type of sensors is due to the electrical signal coupled with the advancement of a redox reaction. Therefore, the electrochemical techniques applied for sensing are those typical of the electro-analysis. The key element of these techniques is the possibility to reveal ultra-traces of the analytes in addition to the simplicity of the operation. Common electrochemical sensing techniques are the voltammetric ones, such as: Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV);Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV);Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV);Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV);AC Voltammetry (ACV);Cyclic Voltammetry (CV).
Electrochemical Composition Measurement
Published in John G. Webster, Halit Eren, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, 2017
Michael J. Schöning, Arshak Poghossian, Olaf Glück, Marion Thust
In linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), the electrode potential is changed continuously from an initial to a final value at a constant rate v = dE/dt, such that E(t) = E1 ± vt. Starting at a potential E1 where no faradaic process occurs, a current begins to flow when the electrode potential comes into the vicinity of E0. The current rises to a maximum and then decreases due to the depletion effect (Figure 55.12). The solution of the diffusion equations, which yields the shape of the i–E wave, can only be found numerically. For the electrode process to always follow the Nernst equation and thus be reversible, the sweep rate must not be too high (e.g., v < 100 mV s−1). The peak potential Ep can then be calculated to be
Published in Vinod Kumar Khanna, Nanosensors, 2021
Figure 9.2 summarizes basic information on voltammetry techniques. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) is a voltammetric method where the current at a working electrode is measured, while the potential between the working electrode and a reference electrode is swept linearly in time. The working electrode is the electrode on which the reaction is occurring. The working electrode is used with an auxiliary electrode and a reference electrode in a three-electrode system. A reference electrode is one which has a known, stable electrode potential. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) involves application of a triangular potential sweep, allowing one to sweep back through the potential region just covered. (a) An electrochemical cell used in voltammetry, consisting of a reference electrode, a working electrode, and a counter electrode, along with a nitrogen or helium inlet. (b) Typical cyclic voltammogram of an electrode at a specified sweep rate. IpC and IpA are the peak cathodic and anodic currents, respectively, and EpC and EpA the corresponding voltages, respectively. (The potential is applied between the reference electrode and the working electrode, and the current is measured between the working electrode and the counter electrode. The working electrode potential ramps linearly versus time between potentials V1 and V2, as shown in the inset. This ramping is known as the scan or sweep rate.)
Cr2S3(Et2DTC) complex and [Cr2S3-MoS2(Et2DTC)] bilayer thin films: single source stationed fabrication, compositional, optical, microstructural and electrochemical investigation
Published in Environmental Technology, 2021
Shaan Bibi Jaffri, Khuram Shahzad Ahmad, Saba Ifthikhar
The stability of synthesized material is an influential factor for the conversion of the material to a commercialised product [45–51]. The scientific community has been doing efforts for the development of efficacious and stable electro-catalyst that can generate hydrogen by means of different reactions specifically hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and also generate oxygen by means of oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The over-potential is alleviated by the efficient and stable electro-catalysts for the derivation of the energy by means of water splitting. A number of metallic sulphides have been synthesized to be used as an electro-catalyst for HER and OER. However, the challenges regarding the electrical performance and stability of these catalysts cannot be overlooked. For this purpose, the samples prepared must be analysed via voltammetry which refers to the investigation of current (I) characteristics as a function of the potential (V) applied and discloses important information about the sample stability. Voltammetry is substantial electroanalytical investigation which is used for a variety of the industrial process for comprehension of the electrical behaviour of the metal sulphide catalysts [52]. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) is a type of voltammetry which is used for the stability evolution and has been utilized for the differentiation of the properties of various corrosion inhibitors after dissolution in the metal immersed solution. Furthermore, chronoamperometry (CA) is also done for exploring the electrical behaviour of different metallic sulphide thin films by noting the I vs. V at the fixed time scale. A number of electrical techniques are dependent upon chronoamperometry. The time-dependent chronoamperometry makes use of the application of a square wave potential on the working electrode [53].
Energy storehouse and a remarkable photocatalyst: Al2S3/Cu2S/Ni17S18 thin film as supercapacitor electrode and pollutants degradation
Published in Surface Engineering, 2023
Mahwash Mahar Gul, Khuram Shahzad Ahmad
The electron transfer reaction kinetics of the manufactured ternary metal sulphide electrode was examined by the linear weep voltammetry. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) is another electrochemical method that processed the current response of an electrochemical cell as a function of applied potential, similar to cyclic voltammetry. However, in LSV, the potential is swept linearly in one direction rather than cyclically. Like cyclic voltammetry, several physical and surface phenomena can occur during linear sweep voltammetry of metal sulphides, including Faradaic reactions, capacitive behaviour etc. In LSV, the current response can be limited by mass transport effects, particularly when the concentration of the electroactive species is low. Under these conditions, the current response can become diffusion-limited, meaning that the rate of electrochemical reaction is limited by the rate of species transport to the electrode surface. Metal sulphides can also be subject to electrode fouling during LSV, particularly if the reaction products or other species accumulate at the electrode surface. This can lead to changes in the LSV response over time. Figure 6(b) represents the LSV curve at a scan rate of 100 mV s−1 and a potential window of −0.2–0.6 V. The SEM images on the material (Figure 5(a)) also present the rough structure indicating the presence of more active sites for the occurrence of redox reactions helpful for the electrochemical mechanism. It also provides an effective route for the transportation of ions. The cycling stability for the electrode up to 10 cycles is shown in Figure 6(c). Figure 6(c) presents itself to be in good arrangement with the CV results owing to its potential plateaus. The high Cs along with the cycling stability curves confirms that the fabricated electrode possesses enhanced electrochemical nature.
Laser technique in diaphragm cum rupture disc for defence oriented silver oxide zinc reserve batteries
Published in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2019
Venugopal Devasenapathy, G A Pathanjali, Natarajan Srinivasan
Electrochemical Study: In linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), the potential was varied linearly from an initial potential (Initial E) to a final potential (Final E) at a constant rate of 10 mV/s (scan rate), and the current was monitored as a function of the applied potential.[17]