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Air or Gas Volume Measuring Devices
Published in Gregory D. Wight, Fundamentals of Air Sampling, 2018
A displacement bottle is a very simple and frequently used gas measuring device. Many other volume devices are routinely calibrated against displacement bottles. The bottle is usually a stoppered glass jar or rigid plastic container filled with water or some other liquid. The container may have a bottom drain to let water out and a hole in the stopper to let air or gas in, or it may be a siphon-type bottle with a two-holed stopper (Figure 3.2). As the liquid in the bottle is drained or siphoned out, gas is drawn in by the lowered pressure to take the place of the liquid removed. The volume of gas drawn in is equal to the volume of liquid removed, which is accurately measured with a volumetric flask or graduated cylinder. To simplify pressure and temperature corrections, the liquid should be at the same temperature as the air or gas drawn in (usually room temperature). The amount of liquid evaporation into the incoming gas is negligible.
Particle Fallout Container Measurement of Dustfall from the Atmosphere
Published in James P. Lodge, Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis, 2017
The graduated cylinder is used to determine the volume of liquid in the container. An alternative to this method involves weighing the container before and after sampling and equating the change in mass to the liquid volume.
Preparation of alkali-activated grouts as an innovative method for utilisation of gold ore tailings
Published in European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022
Zhiming Wang, Guodong Chen, Jingxiang Tian, Geng Yao, Xianjun Lyu
Immediately after the preparation of fresh grout, apparent viscosity was investigated using a rotational viscometer equipped NXS-11B (2.8 mPa·s–1.78 × 107 mPa·s). Combined with the grouting applications, the rotation speeds are 60 rpm (Li, Sha, Liu, Zhang, et al., 2017). According to ASTM C143-15, the mini-slump tests were conducted on a planar Plexiglas, which was represented as the spreading diameter (mm). The dimensions of the test truncated cones are 60 mm height, 36 mm bottom diameter and 60 mm top diameter. The bleeding capacity is defined as the ratio of the volume of bleeding water (ΔV) to the initial volume (V0). Based on ASTM C940-16, the fresh grout was poured into a glass graduated cylinder (1000 ml) and was sealed for 24 h. The volume of the free water on the surface of fresh grout was noted after complete sedimentation. Based on ASTM C191-92, initial and final set times were measured using a Vicat needle apparatus, and it was conducted on the sediments of grouts after completely bleeding. The compressive strength development of hardened grouts was cured for 3, 7 and 28 days and was investigated according to ASTM C 942.
Modeling the size of small spills of pure volatile liquids for use in evaporation rate and air concentration modeling
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2020
A total of 580 experiments were conducted: 139 with acetone, 208 with ethanol, and 233 with water. The solvents were ACS grade and the water was tap water. Volumes varying from 1.0–30.0 mL were released from a glass pipette or graduated cylinder onto a surface. The liquid was released out at a height of either 0.0 cm, 5.0 cm, 10.0 cm, or 15 cm above the surface. Not all possible permutations of the variables were experimentally tested due to logistical limitations. However, combinations of variables were selected to ensure that each variable was evaluated across its range values. For example, in order to evaluate the effect of release height ethanol spills onto a concrete floor were made at release heights of 0, 5, 10, and 15 cm. This provided data for the effect of release height across the range of interest. Water and acetone spills onto concrete were made from 0 and 5 cm which added to the information on the effect of height without covering the entire range of 0–15 cm. A total of 94 different combinations of variables were evaluated. Six replicate experiments were performed for 73 of the 94 combinations. Three to 12 replicate experiments were done for the other 21 combinations. A table of the number of experiments for the combination of variables is shown in Table 1.
Collapse of house-of-cards clay structures and corresponding tailings dewatering induced by alternating electric fields
Published in Drying Technology, 2019
Tinu Abraham, Nhan Lam, Jonathan Xu, Dan Zhang, Harshita Wadhawan, Han Jun Kim, Michael Lee, Thomas Thundat
AC electrical treatment was conducted on 100 ml of tailings placed in a sample holder with two electrodes. The sample holder and electrode configuration varied based on whether the investigation was about observing and quantifying either the aggregation (Section 2.3) or the dewatering effect (Section 2.4) on application of AC energy. Though the aggregation effect lead to dewatering, both effects could not be experimentally quantified in the same sample holder. This was so, as a wider beaker was required for observing aggregation which could not quantify dewatering and a long graduated cylinder was required for observing dewatering which could not quantify aggregation. Table 2 lists the sample holder dimensions and electrode configuration used for investigation of aggregation (A) and dewatering of tailings (B), respectively. Two types of electrode shapes, i.e. cylindrical and rectangular at a fixed spacing were used for the aggregation studies (Table 2(A)) to observe the effect of electrode configuration on tailings impedance and resulting aggregation. Cylindrical electrodes used were made of stainless steel and rectangular electrodes used were made of aluminum.