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Health and Environmental Information and Models
Published in Winston Chow, Katherine K. Connor, Peter Mueller, Ronald Wyzga, Donald Porcella, Leonard Levin, Ramsay Chang, Managing Hazardous Air Pollutants, 2020
Donald B. Porcella, Ronald E. Wyzga
The health effect of greatest regulatory concern for arsenic is cancer. The evidence for the carcinogenicity of arsenic is based upon several epidemiology studies. Significantly increased mortality from respiratory cancer has been observed in several studies of copper smelter workers.7–10 In these work settings, exposure to high concentrations of arsenic trioxide (As III) occurred; in the majority of the studies, airborne time-weighted average concentrations of arsenic were estimated to range from 0.4 to 62 mg/m3. Concomitant exposure to a complex mixture of other compounds also occurred in these workplaces. However, consideration of confounders, exposure to complex mixtures in the working environment, and smoking could not account for the excess lung cancer mortality. The data from these copper smelter studies have been used by the U.S. EPA to derive a unit risk estimate for arsenic exposures by inhalation.3 Studies of workers manufacturing and using ar senic pesticide mixtures (principally lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, sodium arsenate, and arsenic trioxide) have also shown an excess mortality from respiratory cancer.11–13
Arsenic Poisoning through Ages
Published in M. Manzurul Hassan, Arsenic in Groundwater, 2018
Agricultural inputs such as pesticides, desiccants, and fertilizers are major sources of arsenic in soils (Jiang and Singh, 1994; Saxe et al., 2006: 281). The use of arsenic-containing fertilizers and pesticides represents an historic and continuing addition to background concentrations of arsenic in soils. From the late 1800s and until the introduction of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), several arsenic compounds (e.g., lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, magnesium arsenate, zinc arsenate, zinc arsenite, and Paris green) were extensively used as pesticides in orchards (Merry et al., 1983; Smith et al., 1998a: 150). Early in the 20th century, pesticides including lead arsenate and calcium arsenate were commonly applied to turf grass (e.g., golf courses, sod farms) and agricultural crops (e.g., apple orchards, vegetable fields) (Alden, 1983; Welch et al., 2000). Arsenical pesticides were also widely used in livestock dips to control ticks, fleas, and lice (Vaughan, 1993). Paris green was used as an insecticide from 1867 to 1900, and it was effective in controlling Colorado potato beetles and mosquitoes (Cullen, 2008: 61; Peryea, 1998). Through the early 1900s, lead arsenate, another arsenic-based pesticide, was widely used as a pesticide for apple and cherry orchards. It is noted that arsenite of lime and arsenate of lead were used widely as insecticides until the discovery of DDT in 1942 (Murphy and Aucott, 1998).
Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds
Published in W. M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2016
W. M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno
Cadmium 2,4-pentanedioate Cadmium perchlorate hexahydrate Cadmium phosphate Cadmium phosphide Cadmium selenate dihydrate Cadmium selenide Cadmium selenite Cadmium stearate Cadmium succinate Cadmium sulfate Cadmium sulfate monohydrate Cadmium sulfate octahydrate Cadmium sulfide Cadmium sulfite Cadmium telluride Cadmium tellurite Cadmium tetrafluoroborate Cadmium titanate Cadmium tungstate Calcium Calcium acetate Calcium acetate dihydrate Calcium acetate monohydrate Calcium aluminate Calcium aluminate ( form) Calcium arsenate Calcium arsenite (1:1) Calcium borate hexahydrate Calcium boride Calcium bromate Calcium bromate monohydrate Calcium bromide Calcium bromide dihydrate Calcium bromide hexahydrate Calcium carbide Calcium carbonate (calcite) Calcium carbonate (aragonite) Calcium carbonate (vaterite) Calcium chlorate Calcium chlorate dihydrate Calcium chloride Calcium chloride dihydrate Calcium chloride hexahydrate Calcium chloride monohydrate Calcium chloride tetrahydrate Calcium chlorite Calcium chromate Calcium chromate dihydrate Calcium citrate tetrahydrate Calcium cyanamide Calcium cyanide Calcium dichromate trihydrate Calcium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate Calcium 2-ethylhexanoate Calcium ferrocyanide dodecahydrate Calcium fluoride Calcium fluorophosphate Calcium fluorophosphate dihydrate Calcium formate Calcium hexaborate pentahydrate Calcium hexafluoro-2,4-pentanedioate Calcium hexafluorosilicate dihydrate Calcium hydride
Influences of Simulated Organic Residues in Petroleum-Exploiting Areas on the Dissolution and Speciation of Arsenic in Soil-Mineral Solid
Published in Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2020
Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitous carcinogenic metalloid originating from both natural and anthropogenic sources. In recent years, the contamination level of As in the environment has been reported in several parts of the world, including USA, China, Chile, Bangladesh, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Japan, and India (Robertson 1986, 1989; Moncure, Jankowski, and Drever 1992; Schlottmann and Breit 1992; Frost et al. 1993; Das et al. 1994, 1995; Chatterjee et al. 1995; Yang et al. 2009; Chowdhury et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2017). Volcanic activities are the most important natural sources of As. Anthropogenic As-chemicals, e.g., calcium arsenate and sodium arsenate as pesticides, are also a significant As source. Mining or smelting of non-ferrous metals and burning of fossil fuels are the major industrial processes leading to the arsenic contamination of air, water, and soil (Guzmán-Fierro et al. 2015; Lin et al. 2016; Powell et al. 2015; Shen et al. 2017). Arsenite and arsenate are two interchangeable As states depending on the redox potential (Eh), pH, and biological processes. In the presence of a fluctuating Eh and sediment organic content, As can potentially be released into surface water or groundwater (GW).