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Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Method to Availability Optimization of Thermal Power Plants
Published in Ganesh M. Kakandikar, Dinesh G. Thakur, Nature-Inspired Optimization in Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Systems, 2020
Hanumant P. Jagtap, Anand K. Bewoor, Firozkhan Pathan, Ravinder Kumar
In this study, a Markov-based availability simulation model was developed. The failure rate and repair rate of the subsystems of the TPP were taken as input. The availability matrices were developed, which facilities the maintenance person to decide on the maintenance priority according to the criticality level. The results obtained from the availability analysis revealed that the turbine-governing system, condenser, and boiler drum are the most critical equipment of the TPP from an availability point of view. On the basis of results obtained related to the optimum availability level mentioned in Table 7.7, the maintenance priority is recommended in the following order: (i) turbine-governing system, (ii) condenser, (iii) boiler drum, (iv) stacker reclaimer, (v) primary air fan, and (vi) boiler feedwater pump.
Electric-Power Generating Systems
Published in W. Li Kam, Applied Thermodynamics: Availability Method And Energy Conversion, 2018
8–3 A flow diagram of a 203,000 kW steam turbine system is shown in Fig. 8-15. Prepare an availability analysis and provide the answers to the following questions: What is the availability loss and destruction in the H-P turbine?What is the second law efficiency for the H-P turbine?What is the availability loss and destruction in heater #5?What is the second law efficiency for heater #5?What is the heat removal rate in the condenser?What is the availability loss in the condenser?What is the second law efficiency for the boiler feedwater pump?
Published in Richard Vaillencourt, Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations, 2020
The following spreadsheet offers an approach to calculating the savings with a boiler feedwater pump.
Energy efficiency in steam using industries in Greece
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2020
Ifigenia Farrou, Andreas Androutsopoulos, Aristotelis Botzios-Valaskakis, Georges Goumas, Charilaos Andreosatos, Loukas Gavriil, Christoforos Perakis
On its own, the installation of a retrofit de-aerator to the condensate tank, as well as a flash steam recovery blowdown vessel would only lead to small fuel savings of approximately 1%. However, one must also take into account the added-value benefits of the reduction of costs for the purchase of chemical agents used today for the deaeration of the make-up water. The deaerator performs several functions the most important ones include removing dissolved oxygen from the feedwater, preheating the make-up water, serving as a storage tank for feedwater and supplying the boiler feedwater pump.
Performance Assessment of Coal Fired Power Plant Integrated with Calcium Looping CO2 Capture Process
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2023
The surplus heat produced in CaL process, CO2 compression and ASU is integrated externally in an additional steam cycle with Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) for electricity generation, as shown in Figure 6. The additional steam cycle produces supercritical steam that is expanded in steam turbines. Adopting the HRSG configuration may optimize the layout of heating surfaces and reduce flow resistance. Figure 6(a) presents the triple pressure double-HRSGs configuration which includes FG-HRSG, CO2-HRSG, three intercoolers and a built-in heater in carbonator. This configuration is integrated externally with Case 1 to recover the generated heat. FG-HRSG and CO2-HRSG are, respectively, employed to reclaim heat from CO2-lean flue gas stream (Qfg) and CO2 stream (QCO2) exiting the calciner. FG-HRSG includes a high-pressure super-heater (HPSH), a high-pressure economizer (HPEC) and a low-pressure economizer (LPEC). CO2-HRSG includes a reheater (RH), an intermediate pressure super-heater (IPSH), an intermediate pressure evaporator (IPEV), an intermediate pressure economizer (IPEC), a low-pressure evaporator (LPEV) and a low-pressure economizer (LPEC). One part of the condensate water leaving the condenser reclaims the low-grade heat (Qic1, Qic2 and Qic3) generated in CO2 compression process via three paralleling intercoolers (IC1, IC2 and IC3), where each compressed CO2 stream is cooled from 145.5°C to 40°C. The final compressed CO2 stream must be cooled below 30°C in fourth intercooler (IC4) to acquire liquid CO2. However, the condensate water from the condenser is usually higher than 30°C, and consequently, the released heat Qic4 in IC4 can not be utilized in the additional steam cycle. Another part of condensate water flows into the LPEC in CO2-HRSG to cool the captured CO2 stream to 54°C before it is sent to compression process. However for Case 1, the low-grade heat Qasu generated in ASU compression step can not be reclaimed in the additional steam cycle because condensate water is insufficient. Two parts of condesate water are mixed before they flow into another LPEC in FG-HRSG, where the clean flue gas is cooled to 120.3°C. After that, the condensate water is preheated by the sensible heat of purge stream (Qpg). The integral deaerator uses energy from hot CO2 stream, recovered via LPEV, to convert a small portion of the feedwater to saturated steam, which subsequently heats the rest of the feedwater to saturation as it condenses by mixing with it. Part of water exiting the deaerator is pumped through IPEC, IPEV and IPSH in CO2-HRSG to generate intermediate pressure steam which is sent to Low-Pressure Steam Turbine (LPST) and Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine (BFPT). The rest is further pumped to HPEC, built-in heater in carbonator and HPSH to produce the high-pressure main steam. The final thermodynamic characteristics of main steam are 250 bar and 550°C.