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Published in Philip A. Laplante, Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 2018
categoric input categoric input a nonnumeric (symbolic) input, e.g., gender, color, which is usually fed to a network using one-out-of-N coding. catenation symbols strung together to form a larger sequence, as the characters in a word and the digits in a number. cathode the negative electrode of a device. Contrast with anode. cathode ray tube (CRT) a vacuum tube using cathode rays to generate a picture on a fluorescent screen. These cathode rays are in fact the electron beam deflected and modulated, which impinges on a phosphor screen to generate a picture according to a repetitive pattern refreshed at a frequency usually between 25 and 72 Hz. cathodoluminescent the property of luminescent crystals (phosphors) to emit visible light with bombarded electrons. catoptric an optical system made up of only reflective elements (mirrors). CATV See community-antenna television. depend upon future inputs applied to the circuit, and hence is a causal system. If a system is not causal, then it is noncausal. An ideal filter which will filter in real time all frequencies present in a signal f (t) requires knowledge of { f ( ) : > t}, and is an example of a noncausal system. causality a system H : Xe Xe , or equivalently, an operator that maps inputs from the extended space Xe into outputs from the same space where the output at time t is not a function of future inputs. This can be expressed using truncations as follows: A system H is causal if [H x(·)]T = [H x T (·)]T x Xe
Cathode Ray Tube Displays
Published in John G. Webster, Halit Eren, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, 2017
The CRT remained mostly a laboratory device until three important applications ushered it onto the center stage of information display: oscilloscopes, television, and military radar. By the early 1900s, oscilloscopes were being widely used for the study of time-varying electric circuits in communication. Television was developed in the 1920s and in July of 1930 the National Broadcasting Company began the experimental broadcast of television in New York City. During World War II, the CRT underwent a second wave of maturation with the advent of radar technology. By the end of the 1940s, the TV-CRT was available as a consumer product. In the 1950s, RCA perfected shadow mask technology and before long color became a new standard, gaining wide consumer acceptance in the 1960s. While the principal components of a CRT system have not fundamentally changed in many decades, the CRT has continued to improve.
Published in Splinter Robert, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Applied and Engineering Physics, 2017
[biomedical] Vacuum tube with a cathode that emits electrons and a hollow anode to provide a projectile electron (electron gun) that can be deflected by electrodes before it impacts a fluorescent screen. CRT was the elementary component in old-fashioned televisions and oscilloscope screens. The monitors predating the flat-panel display, plasma screen, and LED screen are referred to as CRT screens. CRT screens are bulky and heavy due to the large amount of glass and electronics involved. Additionally due to the construction of the CRT mechanism of action these devices are consuming a significant amount of electrical energy, with inherent generation of heat (see Figure C.23).
The Changing Face of Public Broadcasting in India
Published in IETE Journal of Education, 2023
The CRT display has become obsolete now and has been overtaken by LCD displays. The ones put in the market, by the name of LED displays, are also LCD displays, except that the white light source in the back plane is an array of LED’s. The old LCD used a gas discharge tube for backplane illumination. The LCD display is x, y addressed type and individual pixels are defined by address lines. Color signals are steered to individual corresponding LCD elements. Thus the previous discussions, pertaining to signals created with CRT display in mind, have just lost relevance, in the context of LCD display. Address lines and color signal become important for the case of LCD / LED displays. The video interface of yesterday is deeply entrenched in the industry and a decoder is used in the LCD displays to handle analog composite video signals (CVSB). Display standards for TV have been given in Table 2.
The buildup factor calculations of concrete with different proportions of CRT based on a BP neural network by MCNP
Published in Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2021
Han Gao, Xiang Li, Zhanpeng Li, Yidi Wang, Yunan Gao, Wei Tang, Long Chen, Congchong Yan, Yu Tu, Liang Sun
For decades, cathode ray tubes (CRTs) were the main display component of TVs and computers, but light emitting diode(LED) liquid crystal displays are now replacing CRTs. As a result, the number of discarded CRTs has rapidly increased. Because CRTs contain large quantities of lead oxides and other harmful heavy metal oxides, if the electronic waste containing CRTs is directly discarded without proper treatment, it can cause serious harm to the human body and the environment [1]. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 200 million units of CRTs will require proper waste management from 2013 to 2033, as all CRT technology is expected to reach the end of life in 2033 [2]. At present, in most areas, discarded electronic products, including CRTs, are generally disposed of in landfills [1]. To eliminate the environmental risk of waste CRTs, it is necessary to find appropriate transformation and utilization methods.