In the News

Check out some of the latest press coverage of the groundbreaking research and knowledge that we publish here at Taylor & Francis.  Links to all sources and to originally published journal articles and books have been provided for convenience below. 

KTBS-3 (part of ABC)

Men Are 3 Times As Likely to Die from Traumatic Brain Injury Compared to Women

An analysis of national mortality data reveals the disproportionate impact of traumatic brain injuries across older adults, males, racial and ethnic groups.

Research Information

Taylor & Francis launches “most advanced and accessible eReader”

Taylor & Francis’ new innovative eReader prioritises accessibility and personalization with read-aloud functionality, adjustable font sizes and styles.


How white educators can boldly teach about race in engaging ways

Authors of “Unpacking Privilege in the Elementary Classroom” argue that amid ongoing racial disparities and political divisions in the US, white educators must teach children to discuss race compassionately.


Retirement May Have This Surprising Impact on Seniors' Health

Retirees who binge drink may display more symptoms of depression, suggests a new national US study tracking over 27,500 people.


Understanding the science of meaty flavors could be key to sustainable diets, says academic

Plant-Forward Cuisine” explores the science of tastes and textures, revealing how plant-based diets can be more palatable to meat-lovers and veggie haters.