VIS2021 will bring together an international community of students, researchers and practitioners for a forum on advances in theory, methods, and applications of visualization and visual analytics.
This year’s IEEE VIS will feature a range of papers, tutorials, workshops, symposia and co-located events, including Visualization in Practice, Visualization in Data Science, the VIS Arts Program, and data analysis Challenge competitions, to foster the exchange of recent findings on the design and use of visualization tools.
Taylor & Francis publishes a range of cross-disciplinary research into visualization and visual analytics, across many areas of the field including those highlighted in this year’s IEEE VIS including bestselling books such as Visualization Analysis & Design, Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques, and Applications, and Data Visualization: Principles and Practice and journals such as the Journal of Graphic Tools and Digital Creativity. Taylor & Francis’ visualization and visual analytics portfolio also includes new releases such as Mobile Data Visualization, Data Sketches, and Visualizing with Text.