The Personalized Nutrition 2022 Summit

The Personalized Nutrition 2022 Summit, from the American Nutrition Association, will explore the complex ways that nutrition, food, and other compounds in our diet influence our brain, mood, and mental health using an educational and clinical learning approach with in-person and virtual sessions.
The American Nutrition Association (ANA) believes that nutrition is for everyone. The ANA is bringing together a collective force of change-agents who are passionate about empowering individuals and communities to flourish and be the healthiest versions of themselves. Each nutrition change-maker represents a unique sector of the nutrition ecosystem and will highlight how their work challenges or addresses availability, access, and adoption.
Taylor & Francis is a STEM publisher, offering innovative publishing options and services that fit the evolving needs of authors and researchers worldwide. We connect you with the latest nutrition research contributing to interdisciplinary, clinical, applied, and personal nutrition. Explore our nutrition journal portfolio below and discover where you and your research belong next.

Open Access for Nutrition Research
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You can choose to publish open access in a fully OA journal or in an Open Select journal, known as hybrid publishing. We offer a variety of publishing models and licenses for you to choose across our journal portfolio from Taylor & Francis and Dove Medical Press, and publishing platform, F1000Research.
Open access is great for readers because it gives them immediate access to the latest research, but there are also many advantages to you, the author. Click the link below to learn more about the benefits of publishing open access.