The National Association for Gifted Children Annual Convention brings together professionals, researchers, parents and policy makers from around the world who are dedicated to supporting the needs of high-ability children.
With 300+ practitioners, 200+ sessions, 1,000s of new ideas, networking events and research-based resources, this year’s NAGC convention is focussed on celebrating resilience in the face of adversity with the theme ‘Rising United’. It offers the opportunity for attendees to adapt and reenergize in order to find innovative solutions to unprecedented challenges to support gifted and talented students from all backgrounds.
Taylor & Francis publishes a collection of research into Inclusion and Special Education Research in our books and journals portfolios, including bestselling books such as Unlocking Potential and Collaboration, Coteaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education, and journals such as Gifted and Talented International and High Ability Studies.
Use the code NAGC20 from November 1st to December 31st to get 20% discount on Routledge books