CHASS 2023

The Congress of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences – Congress of HASS – will take place November 27th to December 1st at the University of Sydney, Australia. The event is also hybrid.
Taylor & Francis is a world-leading publisher of scholarly communication. We publish more than 5 million articles across +2,700 journals, including:
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Australasian Philosophical Review Australasian on behalf of the Australian Association of Philosophy
- Australian Journal of Political Science on behalf of the Australian Political Studies Association (CAJP)
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We also publish related books at, including the following forthcoming titles:
- Art and Activism in the Nuclear Age
- Peace or Democracy? Peacebuilding Dilemmas to Transition from Civil Wars
- Australian Perspectives on Global Air and Space Power
- The Political Right and Equality: Turning Back the Tide of Egalitarian Modernity
- A History of Crime in Australia: Australian Underworlds
- Australia’s Pursuit of an Independent Foreign Policy under the Whitlam Labor Government
- Australia on the World Stage: History, Politics and International Relations
- Climate Change and Conflict in the Pacific: Challenges and Responses
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Communication & Media Studies Network
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Journal networks are a new feature of our popular article transfers program. If you’ve received an invitation to transfer your manuscript, or are interested in submitting an article, read on to find out how the Communication Studies & Media Studies Network can save you time and help you find the right home for your research.