This year’s 118th meeting of the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division will be a combination of in-person and virtual components, to bring together as many members of the APA to share ideas, solve problems and explore new teaching methods across the discipline.
With a Teaching Hub, in-person and recorded lectures and addresses, business meetings, a prize reception and poster sessions, the 2022 APA Eastern Division Meeting explores the expanding and evolving field of Philosophy for all students, researchers and professionals involved in the field.
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At the conference
Be sure to attend the Philosophy of Time Society Panel on Wed, Jan. 5, at 2 pm, where David Ingram (York U), author of Thisness Presentism, is a Speaker (“Dynamic Existence and the Logical Turn”)
Check out the Author Meets Critics session for Perception, by Adam Pautz (Brown U) on Wed., Jan. 5, 2 –3:50 pm. Chair: Jon Simon (U of Montreal) Critics: Brian Cutter (U of Notre Dame) Jeffrey Speaks (U of Notre Dame) Umrao Sethi (Brandeis U)
On Thurs., Jan. 6, 9:00-10:50 am there is a Symposium: “The Epistemic Conception of Salience,” Chaired by Brian Cutter (Notre Dame). Speaker: Ege Yumusak (Harvard) “The Epistemic Conception of Salience.” Commentator: Jorge Morales (Northeastern). Also, be sure to check out Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry, by Sophie Archer.
On Thurs, Jan 6, from 9 am – 10:50 am, Daniel Brunson (Morgan State U), co-editor of Disability and American Philosophies, is a Speaker at the Josiah Royce Society panel. His paper: “Arguments from the Possibilities of Errors”
Make sure to check out the Colloquium, “Epistemic Puzzles,” which will be held Thurs, Jan 6, from 11 am – 12:50 pm with Wade Munroe (U of Michigan) and James Simpson (U of Florida) as speakers. For 50 essential epistemic puzzles, paradoxes & thought experiments, be sure to get Kevin McCain’s (U of Alabama-Birmingham) new book.
Jonathan Matheson (U of North Florida), co-editor of Epistemic Autonomy, is a Speaker at the Society for Skeptical Studies. His paper is, “The Virtue of Epistemic Autonomy.” Session is Thurs, Jan 6 and starts at 11 am.
On Thurs, Jan. 6, 2-3:50 pm, Adam Hosein, author of The Ethics of Immigration, will be a Speaker at the Diversity Institute Alumni Session. Check out Adam’s book and an Introduction to Implicit Bias, ed by Erin Beeghly and Alex Madva.
Stop by on Thurs, Jan 6, 2-3:50 pm to attend the Colloquium, “Memory and the First-Person Perspective,” chaired by Adam Pautz (Brown U), author of Perception.
Be sure to attend, “Kant in Perspective: Papers in Honor of Stephen R. Palmquist” on Thurs, Jan 6, from 2-3:50 pm, sponsored by the Hong Kong Kant Society. Palmquist (Hong Kong Baptist U) is the editor of Kant on Intuition: Western and Asian Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism.
Come see if it will it be a tough crowd Thurs, Jan 6, from 4-5:50 pm when The International Association for the Philosophy of Humor hosts an Author Meets Critics session with Lydia Amir (Tufts). Amir is the author of The Legacy of Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Laughter. Chair: Ayelet Lilti. Critics: Matthew Meyer (U of Scranton), Russell Ford (Elmhurst College).
Be sure to attend the Symposium on “Disability & the Problem of Dehumanization” from 4 – 4:50 pm on Thurs, Jan. 6, Chair: Sonya Ringer (Johns Hopkins). Speaker: David Smith (U of New England), “Unnatural Bodies: Disability as Metaphysical Threat”; Commentator: Joel Reynolds (Georgetown U); Speaker: Licia Carlson (Providence College), “The Many Faces of De-Humanization”; Commentator: Corinne Lajoie (Penn State U). Pre order Joel Reynold’s forthcoming book
From 7pm-10:00pm on Thurs, Jan. 6 come hear Matt Strohl (U of Montana) talk about, Why It’s OK to Love Bad Movies at an Author Meets Critics Session. Critics: John Dyck (Auburn), Nicholas Whittaker (CUNY Grad Center), Elizabeth Scarbrough (Florida International).
Come hear Thomas Pölzler (University of Graz), author of Moral Reality and the Empirical Sciences, present with Ivar Hannikainen (U of Granada), “The Typicality Effect in Basic Needs” at the Moral Psychology topical session of the Experimental Philosophy Society. Session is on Thurs, Jan 6, from 7-10 pm.
Check out the Colloquium, “Security, Self-Preservation, and Self-Care” from 9am – 10:50am on Fri, Jan 7, where speaker Christine Wieseler (Cal State U, Pomona) will present, “Hope, Labor, Self-Care, and Anger in Precarious Academic Employment.” Routledge will publish Christine’s co-edited book, The Disability Bioethics Reader in spring 2022.
Be sure to attend, on Fri, Jan 7, from 9-10:50 am, The Charles S. Peirce Society’s Author Meets Critics session with James Liszka (SUNY Plattsburgh), author of Charles Peirce on Ethics, Esthetics, and the Normative Sciences. Chair: Richard Kenneth Atkins (Boston College); Critics: Diana Heney (Vanderbilt) Aaron Wilson (South Texas College), Rosa Mayorga (Miami Dade College).
Catch the Invited Symposium, “Perception and Cognition” on Fri, Jan 7, from 11am – 12:50pm. Speaker: Casey O’Callaghan (Washington U in St. Louis). Commentators: Jonathan Cohen (UCSD) & Jennifer Lee (NYU). And pick up a copy of Thinking and Perceiving by Dustin Stokes.
Michael Cholbi (Edinburgh U), co-editor of Exploring the Philosophy of Death and Dying, will Chair the International Assoc for the Philosophy of Death & Dying from 2–3:50 pm on Fri, Jan 7. Speakers: James DiGiovanna, Noam Hillel and Guy Keidar. Peter Baumann will ask, “Is Immortality Massively Overrated?”
Be sure to hear Miranda Fricker’s APA-E Presidential Address from 4 pm – 5:50 pm on Fri, Jan 7. Among Fricker’s many leading publications is her co-edited Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology.
Stop by the Colloquium, “Microaggressions and Moral Significance,” to be held Sat, Jan 8, from 11 am to 12:50 pm. Chair: Eric Bayruns García (CSU, San Bernardino). Speakers: Emma McClure (Toronto) and Zoe Cunliffe (CUNY Grad Center). Commentators: Laura Soter (Michigan) and Blake Hereth (UMass Lowell) Read the related books The Ethics of Microaggression and Microaggressions and Philosophy
Come here Mark Navin (Oakland U), author of Values and Vaccine Refusal, present his paper, “Governing Vaccination by Harming the Innocent?” at an Invited Colloquium on Vaccines, Sat., Jan 8, 9–10:50 am.
Do not miss William Seager, editor of The Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism, as an invited Speaker at the Symposium, “Panpsychism and its History,” on Sat., Jan. 8, 11 am – 12:50 pm