American Society of Bioethics and Humanities annual conference
This year’s American Society of Bioethics and Humanities annual conference will take place in Baltimore, MD, from October 11-14, 2023. It brings together academics and professional researchers on the theme of Engaging the Past to Energize the Future: Creating Space for Inclusive Public Discourse.
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Explore this event page for links to related reading and key titles.

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Challenging Cases in Clinical Research Ethics
Edited By Benjamin S Wilfond, Devan M Duenas, Liza-Marie Johnson, Holly A Taylor
The Clinical Research Ethics Consultation Collaborativeholds monthly webinars for its 90 members to present their most challenging cases. Every year, the group selects the four most interesting cases for publication in the American Journal of Bioethics.
Available for pre-order from 1 November 2023.