2022 National American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Meeting

The National American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Meeting brings together members and non-members, students, researchers and professionals, to explore topics around the production, care, and use of laboratory animals.
As the leading international publisher in Laboratory Animal Science, CRC Press look forward to the annual AALAS meeting as an opportunity to connect with our authors and editors, raise awareness of our excellent portfolio of book titles and journals, and become inspired to publish on new themes and topics.
The 2022 National AALAS Meeting will feature a ‘Spotlight Forum on Oncology’, exploring the use of animal models to develop cancer therapies, and health and welfare considerations for humane endpoints through seminars, platform sessions, workshops, panel discussions, poster sessions, and technical trade presentations.
Each fall since 1950, the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science has held its annual 5-day National Meeting. The AALAS National Meeting is the largest gathering in the world of professionals concerned with the production, care, and use of laboratory animals.
This year we’re excited to showcase the fourth edition of our seminal Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science and a new professional reference, Behavioral Biology of Laboratory Animals. Visit our virtual booth during the meeting to browse all our bestselling professional and reference books, and find out how you can become a CRC Press author or editor. You can also enjoy 20% our entire portfolio using the code CON10, which is valid through November 10th.