Portfolio by the numbers
Offering a specialized collection of high impact journals, such as OncoImmunology, and bestselling books such as Clinical Oncology, our Oncology portfolio covers the latest discoveries in diagnostics, treatments, biotechnology, clinical trials, and more.
Authored by key opinion leaders at the forefront of academia and clinical practice, our Oncology collection is an essential resource designed to meet the needs of students, researchers and practitioners.
Leukemia & Lymphoma
Leukemia & Lymphoma is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes research on all aspects of hematological malignancies. The journal aims to address the needs of physicians and scientists interested in clinical, translational, laboratory and basic science research, as well as clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients with malignant hematological disorders.
OncoImmunology is a dynamic, high-profile, open access journal broadly covering tumor immunology and the interplay between oncogenesis, inflammation, and immunosurveillance. As cancer immunotherapy continues to evolve, OncoImmunology aims to publish high-quality, rigorous research on all aspects of basic and applied tumor immunology.
Cancer Biology & Therapy
Cancer Biology & Therapy is a high-profile international journal examining all aspects of the molecular basis of cancer, with translational relevance to diagnosis and therapy. The goal is to foster communication and the rapid exchange of information through timely publication of important advances within the field.
Brain and Spinal Tumors of Childhood
This second edition comes at a time of a paradigm shift in understanding of the molecular pathology and neuroscience of brain and spinal tumors of childhood and their mechanisms of growth within the developing brain.
Nano-Enabled Medical Applications
This book is the second in a series presenting articles that received the most citations in recent years in nanomedicine. The series is edited by, a prominent nanotechnology researcher and editor-in-chief of Precision Nanomedicine.
Clinical Oncology
This popular textbook provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of clinical oncology. Ideal for medical undergraduates, clinicians and other health professionals who want to increase their understanding of the challenges of managing patients with cancer, the book enables readers to learn and then test themselves on all aspects of cancer medicine, from epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis and presentation, through to diagnosis, staging, management and prognosis.