Portfolio by the numbers
Recognising the key role that Mathematics plays in a variety of scientific disciplines, our books and journals strive to enable researchers and practitioners to model, analyse and solve diverse problems across a range of fields through explorations from arithmetic, algebra and geometry to the History and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Promoting the importance of this discipline through a proliferation of resources, and partnerships with societies such as the British Society for Research and Learning Mathematics and the Mathematical Association of America, our Mathematics portfolio spans from foundational texts such as A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics to specialist works such as Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos for the benefit of researchers, students and professionals.
Journal of Biological Dynamics
Journal of Biological Dynamics is an open access journal that publishes cutting-edge research analysing dynamic models that arise from biological processes. Journal of Biological Dynamics focuses on dynamic phenomena at scales ranging from the level of individual organisms to that of populations, communities, and ecosystems. In addition, the journal welcomes papers that aim to connect mathematical modelling and analysis to experimental and observational data.
Experimental Mathematics
Experimental Mathematics publishes original papers featuring formal results inspired by experimentation, conjectures suggested by experiments, and data supporting significant hypotheses. Experiment has always been, and increasingly is, an important method of mathematical discovery. (Gauss declared that his way of arriving at mathematical truths was "through systematic experimentation.") Yet this tends to be concealed by the tradition of presenting only elegant, fully developed, and rigorous results.
The American Mathematical Monthly
The American Mathematical Monthly publishes articles, notes, and other features about mathematics and the profession. Its readers span a broad spectrum of mathematical interests and abilities. Authors are invited to submit articles and notes that bring interesting mathematical ideas to a wide audience of Monthly readers. Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject.
A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics
Accessible to all students with a sound background in high school mathematics, A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics, Fourth Edition presents some of the most fundamental and beautiful ideas in pure mathematics.
Galois Theory
Since 1973, Galois Theory has been educating undergraduate students on Galois groups and classical Galois theory.