Portfolio by the numbers
The Taylor and Francis Bioscience portfolio reflects the multidisciplinary nature of this field by drawing upon various areas including biology, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, medicine and engineering to support students to build the knowledge base they need to reach their potential. Publishing bestselling textbooks such as Immunobiology, we aim to work alongside the next generation of Biomedical scientists.
Autophagy is a highly selective peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers on all aspects of autophagic processes (i.e., the lysosome/vacuole dependent degradation of intracellular material). The field of autophagy has advanced tremendously, due in large part to the multiple connections between autophagy and various aspects of human health and disease including cancer, neurodegeneration, aging, diabetes, myopathies and heart disease.
Gut Microbes
The intestinal microbiota plays a pivotal role in human physiology. Characterizing its structure and function has implications for health and disease, impacting nutrition and obesity, brain function, allergic responses, immunity, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer development, cardiac disease, liver disease, and others.
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
Biotechnological techniques, from fermentation to genetic manipulation, have become increasingly relevant to the food and beverage, fuel production, chemical and pharmaceutical, and waste management industries. Consequently, academic as well as industrial institutions need to keep abreast of the concepts, data, and methodologies evolved by continuing research.
Introductory Immunobiology
A brief treatment of immunobiology for second year undergraduates with little previous knowledge of the topic. The author illustrates molecular, biochemical and cellular phenomena with reference to all areas of zoology, including invertebrates, to draw out common themes and principles.
Case Studies in Immunology
Case Studies in Immunology, Seventh Edition is intended for medical students and undergraduate and graduate students in immunology. It presents major topics of immunology through a selection of clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science.
Cells in Evolutionary Biology
This book is the first in a projected series on Evolutionary Cell Biology, the intent of which is to demonstrate the essential role of cellular mechanisms in transforming the genotype into the phenotype by transforming gene activity into evolutionary change in morphology. This book —Cells in Evolutionary Biology — evaluates the evolution of cells themselves and the role cells have been viewed to play as agents of change at other levels of biological organization. Chapters explore Darwin’s use of cells in his theory of evolution and how Weismann’s theory of the separation of germ plasm from body cells brought cells to center stage in understanding how acquired changes to cells within generations are not passed on to future generations.