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Taylor & Francis publishes a vast range of cutting-edge research into Biomedical Engineering, ranging from areas such as biomaterials and biomechanics, to neuroscience, pharmaceutical engineering and physiological science.

Encompassing bioprocessing, chemical processing and design, clean and sustainable processes, mass transfer and thermodynamics, process control, energy, fuels, and petrochemicals.

Exploring the public sector from municipal to national governments, and the private sector from individual homes to international companies, our Civil Engineering books and journals combine new research with foundational knowledge.

Offering a wide range of books and journals on electricity, electronics and electromagnetism, our aim is to elevate the study and application of Electrical Engineering.

In the fast-moving energy industry, Taylor & Francis publish with industry leaders such as ExxonMobil, General Electric and Mitsubishi Corporation, to bring you access to new and trustworthy research.

Recognising the variety of knowledge that combines to enhance this practice, our Engineering portfolio offers resources on the scientific, mathematic, economic, physical and social practices of Engineering.

Offering a collection of books and journals written by experts in the field, to help disseminate research in order to help improve the natural environment and develop solutions to environmental problems.

Offering resources on the scientific, mathematic, economic, physical and social practices of Engineering, in order to elevate the specialist body of practical and theoretical knowledge within the field of Engineering.

Drawing on many disciplines, applying statistical analysis, science, mathematics and organizational management to name a few, in order to deliver a knowledge corpus as large and varied as the field itself.

Offering expert books and journals on the design and discovery of new materials, the basic science and applied technology, and material specific research, our Materials Science portfolio gives easy access to the latest specialist content so that researchers, students and practitioners can keep up-to-date with the latest innovations in the discipline.

Exploring the theory and application of topics such as solid mechanics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, controls, thermodynamics, and energy, as a foundation for the installation and operation of machines and mechanical systems.

From feasibility studies to design, implementation and mining operations, covering the entire process from exploration and discovery to eventual mine closure.