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Outpatient thoracic surgery
Published in Larry R. Kaiser, Sarah K. Thompson, Glyn G. Jamieson, Operative Thoracic Surgery, 2017
Laureano Molins, Juan J. Fibla, Jorge HernÁNdez
The program should maintain quality of care. Patients classified according to the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) physical status classification system as ASA I and II should be included regardless of age. Patients who are judged ASA III should be selected only after taking into account the extent and type of comorbidity.
Association of elevated pre-operative HbA1c and post-operative complications in patients undergoing gynaecological oncology surgery
Published in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2020
Emily Keavy, Edward Sizer, Meghna Datta, Margaret Ryan, Laura Bradley, Michael Smith, Brett Winter-Roach, Richard Slade, Eva Myriokefalitaki
HbA1c was measured pre-operatively and patients are categorised as per Table 1. The site of cancer, post-operative stage (1–4), histology and grade (1–4) were collected for each patient. As well as HbA1c, the pre-operative data collected included previous treatment and other previous or current cancer diagnosis. Also, the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification system was used to grade each patient (1–6). The ASA classification was used to score patient health and severity of disease to reflect health level before surgery.
Analgesic effects of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil on periprocedural pain during percutaneous ablation of renal carcinoma
Published in Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020
Egidijus Semenas, Maria Lönnemark, Pär Dahlman, Michael Hultström, Mats Eriksson
Demographic data of the 46 (22 female) remaining patients were as follows: age (mean ± SD) was 66 ± 12 years; mean weight 79 ± 16 kg; mean height 170 ± 9 cm. The majority of patients (37/46, 80%) had limited co-morbidities and were considered to be classified as ASA 2, according to the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification system; some were classified as ASA 1 (n = 7), and only 2 were ASA 3.
No association between waiting time to surgery and mortality for healthier patients with hip fracture: a nationwide Swedish cohort of 59,675 patients
Published in Acta Orthopaedica, 2020
Katarina Greve, Karin Modig, Mats Talbäck, Erzsébet Bartha, Margareta Hedström
The outcome was time to death up to 4 months from the date of surgery. The date of death was obtained from Statistics Sweden (Ludvigsson et al. 2016). Comorbidity was measured through ASA physical status classification system (Dripps 1963). In our material, ASA classification was assessed preoperatively by local anesthesiologists as part of standard preoperative practice, and registered in RIKSHÖFT.