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Solar Thermal Energy Conversion
Published in D. Yogi Goswami, Frank Kreith, Energy Conversion, 2017
T. Agami Reddy, Jeffrey H. Morehouse
A solar thermal collector is a heat exchanger that converts radiant solar energy into heat. In essence this consists of a receiver that absorbs the solar radiation and then transfers the thermal energy to a working fluid. Because of the nature of the radiant energy (its spectral characteristics, its diurnal and seasonal variability, changes in diffuse to global fraction, etc.), as well as the different types of applications for which solar thermal energy can be used, the analysis and design of solar collectors present unique and unconventional problems in heat transfer, optics, and material science. The classification of solar collectors can be made according to the type of working fluid (water, air, or oils) or the type of solar receiver used (nontracking or tracking).
Experimental investigation in a solar parabolic trough collector with optimized secondary optics
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2023
Ashokkumar Shyam, Kalilur Rahiman Arshad Ahmed, Selvarasan Iniyan, Ranko Goic
Fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and renewable energy are the dominant energy resources available in the world. The fossil fuel is usually preferred because of its availability and high energy content (Nakul and Arunachala 2019). The fossil fuel usage is the major cause for the shortage of fuel, global warming, and pollution (Guillén-Lambea and Carvalho 2021). The renewable energy utilization is the best option to minimize these pollution and global warming issues. Because of these reasons, the renewable energy is reaching higher growth with subsequent demand in the recent decades (Krishna et al. 2020). Among the other renewable energy resources, solar energy is a highly potential, trustable, and sustainable one (Jamali 2019). The solar thermal collector is used for direct conversion of solar radiation into thermal energy. The parabolic trough collector (PTC) is a line-focusing, concentrating type of solar thermal collector. PTC is generally preferred for steam generation and industrial process heating applications where the temperature range is from 100 to 400°C (Salgado Conrado, Rodriguez-Pulido, and Calderón 2017). The PTC has higher levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) compared with the other concentrating type of solar thermal collectors. Hence, it is necessary to improve the thermal performance of the PTC for reducing the LCOE.
Contribution to improving the thermal performances of a solar collector using CFD approach: Solar water heater application
Published in Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2023
El Yazid Flilihi, Driss Achemlal, Mohamed El Haroui, Mounir Kriraa, Tarik El Rhafiki, Mohammed Sriti
World energy consumption has considerably increased in recent years due to population growth, the evolution of industrial activities as well as the transformations in human lifestyles. Therefore, intelligent use of energy allows human to minimize financial problems and negative impacts on the environment caused by the exploitation of fossil energy sources (coal, petroleum derivatives, natural gas, etc.) which are found in limited quantities. This has prompted humans to seek another alternative to meet energy needs and protect the environment. Renewable energies currently represent the best alternative to fossil fuels because they constitute inexhaustible and ecological resources [1]. Solar energy is one of the forms of renewable energy that can be widely used for several applications [2]. The conversion of solar energy into thermal energy can be done by a device called solar thermal collector (air/water), used for various applications such as heating, industrial drying, agriculture, food and many other industrial applications.
Hybrid solar photovoltaic thermal systems in Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings: the case of a residential building in Greece
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2022
The efficiency of the solar thermal collector is defined as the ratio of the useful thermal energy to the available incident solar radiation on the surface area. More specifically, it is calculated from Equation (3) (Gagliano et al. 2019): The useful thermal energy is defined by Equation (4) (Duffie and Beckman 2006): where Ac: total installed collectors’ area [m2]; : collector heat removal factor; : monthly average transmittance – absorptance factor; : intensity of solar radiation ; : collector’s overall energy coefficient factor ; : the temperature difference between the heat transfer fluid and outside air [K].