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Evaluation of the effects of design uncertainty on the damage tolerance of composite patches
Published in Jaap Bakker, Dan M. Frangopol, Klaas van Breugel, Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems, 2017
S. TerMaath, J. Retherford, E. Stevens, R. Timilsina
The Sensitivity Index is a simple calculation, introduced by Hoffman et. al. (Hoffman & Gardner, 1983). The Sensitivity Index is calculated as shown in Equation 1 by dividing the difference in model response by the maximum model response. This method is used to evaluate the sensitivity of parameter sets but does not specify the effect of each individual parameter on the model response. As the next step, least square regression can be implemented on influential sets to determine the sensitivity to specific parameters. SI=Cmax−CminCmax
∞ Dynamic Output Feedback Control
Published in Yang Guang-Hong, Guo Xiang-Gui, Che Wei-Wei, Guan Wei, Linear Systems, 2017
Yang Guang-Hong, Guo Xiang-Gui, Che Wei-Wei, Guan Wei
From Table11.1, we can see that the sensitivity indexes of the insensitive controller and non-fragile controller are much lower than that of the standard controller, which shows the superiority of our proposed method. On the other hand, it is shown that different insensitive controllers can be obtained by the trade-off between the sensitivity index and standard H∞performance index. Furthermore, this table also shows that the proposed insensitive controller design method is less conservative than the non-fragile controller design method.
A simple kinetic model applied to anaerobic digestion of cow manure
Published in Environmental Technology, 2021
Iván López, Martín Benzo, Mauricio Passeggi, Liliana Borzacconi
The value of the sensitivity index and its dynamics indicate how much that parameter influences the value of each variable. As expected, the parameter kh1 only significantly affects the Xb1 variable, because it is implicated only in the hydrolysis process of this fraction. Similarly, the other hydrolysis constant kh2 only significantly affects the slowly degradable fraction Xb2. These results reaffirm the fact that it is feasible to determine these two parameters from independent experiments. In this work, the determinations were made from separate BMP tests performed on the fractions.
Temporal global sensitivity analysis of concrete sewer pipes under compounding corrosion and heavy traffic loads
Published in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023
Soroush Zamanian, Abdollah Shafieezadeh
Global sensitivity analysis is performed using Sobol’ technique. Sobol’ is a variance-based sensitivity analysis technique in which the variance of the response measures the uncertainty of the output. As a result, the sensitivity index for each single input variable is measured based on the contribution of that variable to the output variance. An important characteristic of Sobol’ technique is the stochastic treatment of input variables that results in making no assumptions about potential relationships between the response of interest and the input variables (Sobol, 1993).
Structural reliability assessment of corroded offshore pipelines
Published in Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021
A sensitivity index that can be used in a comprehensive failure assessment is the relative contribution of each variable in failure function. The relative contribution () of each random variable (x) to the variance of the failure function is introduced as follow (Ahammed and Melchers 1994):