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Since f is a constant, for any partition π of [a, b], all the individual mj’s and Mj’s associated with π take on the value c. Hence, U(f,π)−L(f,π)=0always. It follows that f satisfies Riemann’s Criterion and hence is Riemann Integrable. Finally, since f is integrable, by Theorem 21.2.2, we havec(b−a)≤RI(f;a,b)≤c(b−a).
Definition 5.2 (Riemann integral). For each n ∈ ℕ let there be a set of numbers a = ξ0 < ξ1 < … < ξn = b. A Riemann integral is defined by∫abf(x)dx=limn→∞,Δξ→0∑i=1n(ξi−ξi−1)f(xi),
Remark 3.19 (Lebesgue and Riemann integrals) Clearly, the Lebesgue integral (when defined) can be thought of as a generalization of the Riemann integral. For what follows in the rest of the book, Lebesgue integrals will be computed using their Riemann versions, whenever possible, since Riemann integrals are easier to compute. Let f:Ω→[a,b],Ω⊂Rp, be a bounded, measurable function in the space (Ω,ℬp,μp). The following results clarify when the two integrals coincide.
⋄α-Measurability and combined measure theory on time scales